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THE CLUB SMP [SMP] [Vanilla] [Roleplay] {1.18.2} {Monthly Events} {24/7}


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~The Club SMP~

About us:
The Club SMP is a survival-multiplayer server with the intended goal of uniting a community of friends using Minecraft as a medium. Whether you are a beginner or a long-time veteran of the game, we welcome you with open arms to our family!

We pride ourselves on our community and strive to keep players entertained with active monthly events. To enhance the user experience on our server, we work towards a lag-free environment.

As a HermitCraft-Esque server, players are driven by their own choices and decisions towards others and the economy. We have an entire "district" dedicated to a player-driven market, where members can setup shops or advertise jobs that are in dire need.

There are no game-breaking plugins on the server that would otherwise alter the vanilla aspect of the game (No TPs, no virtual economy). We believe in taking full advantage of the Minecraft experience by playing the game how it's meant to be played.
The following features are installed--
Plugins: ClearLag, Inventory Rollbacks, Core Protect, Sitting (on players and various blocks)


Step 1. Apply at the link listed at the bottom

Step 2. Please allow up to 48 hours for a reply on your application

Step 3. Response to your application and short 5-minute interview to get to know you!

Step 4. Hop on the server and enjoy.

Apply Now!

(https://forms.gle/c6HLNqAz8RxjquPk8) Link!

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