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I have a compressed variant of all vanilla tipped arrows. I followed all the code from vanilla for registering, effects etc. Now the arrows have appeared (Color still needs fixing aswell though) but the recipes don't work.

Now I see vanilla has RecipeSerializer.java where the TIPPED_ARROW recipe is registered with a TippedArrowRecipe::new


I have my own TippedArrowRecipe (UcTippedArrowRecipe) and I'm trying to register the recipe through UcRecipeSerializer.java, but when I do so I get the error "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not register to a locked registry. Modder should use Forge Register methods.". I can see I need to use Forge Register methods, but I'm not sure how to implement this properly. From looking up on Google I mostly get 1.16.x versions using IRecipe, which doesn't seem to exist in 1.18.x


public interface UcRecipeSerializer<T extends Recipe<?>> extends IForgeRegistryEntry<UcRecipeSerializer<?>>
    SimpleRecipeSerializer<UcTippedArrowRecipe> COMPRESSED_TIPPED_ARROW = register("crafting_special_compressed_tipped_arrow", new SimpleRecipeSerializer<>(UcTippedArrowRecipe::new));

    static <S extends UcRecipeSerializer<T>, T extends Recipe<?>> S register(String pKey, S pRecipeSerializer)
        return Registry.register(Registry.RECIPE_SERIALIZER, pKey, pRecipeSerializer);

This interface is then called in UcRecipes.java which is the recipes class for datageneration.

SpecialRecipeBuilder.special(UcRecipeSerializer.COMPRESSED_TIPPED_ARROW).save(consumer, "compressed_tipped_arrow");


Any help in the right direction would be appreciated!
And please ask if there are any additional questions or more code is required.

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