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[Solved] One tool is overwritng another tool ingame


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So after i coded a tool set i went to test it out only to find that the hoe has overwritten the shovel in game. Basically in-game the hoe took the shovel's itemID and crafting recipe. i // every code for the hoe and the shovel returned working perfectly fine but one i activate the hoe again the problem reoccurs. i have re-written the code for both the hoe and shovel to no avail this is the src if anybody thinks they can help me

this is the base mod file http://pastebin.com/MLLCertp

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well it is sorta solved, when i extracted the mod and tested it the game automatically  fixed the id error, so for the sake of a public mod it is not a problem but when coding it and testing in eclipse the mod is semi-broken

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