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forge showing "The game crashed whilst rendering overlay" after forge opens


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FIXED, i found a way to fix, all i needed to do was delete everything in my config file


after i open forge 1.16.5 it loads and when it finishes it shows me a weird screen and crashes it then shows this "The game crashed whilst rendering overlay Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigFileTypeHandler$ConfigLoadingException: Failed loading config file forge-client.toml of type CLIENT for modid forge Exit Code: -1" i do not know how to fix it and do not know how to get the debug log.

crash log : file:///C:/Users/frend/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/crash-reports/crash-2022-07-20_01.22.05%20ffffffff-client.txt

Edited by himagain
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