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1.12.2 fatally missing registry entries when adding BuildCraft mod to server


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Playing race to the moon mod pack 1.12.2 and im trying to add BuildCraft mod to the server but i get these 2 errors ****fatally missing registry entries**** and ****Internal exception: com.google.common.util.concurrent.uncheckedexecutionexception:java.lang.illegalstateexception:recipe minecraft:wheat(net.minecraft.iten.crafting.shappedrecipes@304704ae) produces unregistered item minecraft:wheat (net.minecraft.item.iten@34ab398b)*** Whenever trying to login to the server. But the mod works in single player just not in the server. Pls help i really wanna use this mod. Also, using filezilla to upload the mods to my apex hosting server. 

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