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[1.6.2] Having issues to get custom textures loades on new blocks


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Hi, i think this is my first topic in Minecraft Forge forums, so i hope i'm in the best possible place to learn all i need :)


Well, first off, i'm pretty new in modding, so i choose Wuppy29's tutorials to start from scratch and basically make my first mod SMP. I'm working over 1.6.2.


I have set-up Eclipse and mcp, and created 2 blocks and 1 item, the problem is that i can't get the blocks to load the textures properly..., and it's a bit strange since i can debug and see the textures without any issues, but when i tri to package the test mod and play with it in my forge profile in the new launcher from mojang...the textures never load, this is what i get in the development console from the launcher:


Line 439: 2013-08-21 03:49:21 [CLIENT] [sEVERE] Using missing texture, unable to load: alpharo_tutorial test:textures/blocks/TutorialBlock0.png
Line 439: 2013-08-21 03:49:21 [CLIENT] [sEVERE] Using missing texture, unable to load: alpharo_tutorial test:textures/blocks/TutorialBlock0.png
Line 440: 2013-08-21 03:49:21 [CLIENT] [sEVERE] Using missing texture, unable to load: alpharo_tutorial test:textures/blocks/TutorialBlock2.png
Line 440: 2013-08-21 03:49:21 [CLIENT] [sEVERE] Using missing texture, unable to load: alpharo_tutorial test:textures/blocks/TutorialBlock2.png
Line 441: 2013-08-21 03:49:21 [CLIENT] [sEVERE] Using missing texture, unable to load: alpharo_tutorial test:textures/blocks/TutorialBlock1.png
Line 441: 2013-08-21 03:49:21 [CLIENT] [sEVERE] Using missing texture, unable to load: alpharo_tutorial test:textures/blocks/TutorialBlock1.png
Line 442: 2013-08-21 03:49:21 [CLIENT] [sEVERE] Using missing texture, unable to load: alpharo_tutorial test:textures/blocks/TutorialBlock3.png
Line 442: 2013-08-21 03:49:21 [CLIENT] [sEVERE] Using missing texture, unable to load: alpharo_tutorial test:textures/blocks/TutorialBlock3.png


So...what i'm doing wrong? maybe mismatched versions of forge in eclipse and the real game? or i've putted the textures on the wrong place? According to wuppy's tutorials..., the hierarchy should be like this:


[the mod .zip]\assets\myname_modname\textures\blocks\the 16x16 .png files


Correct me if i'm wrong, i'll leave a link to the packaged mod just in case (for some reason i can't upload attachments here, the site says it can't access the path).




Thanks a lot for the help in advance!

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not sure..., i've tried putting the pngs as you said, but same effect, i even noticed that the png files were beginning with lowercase letters so i try changing them to capital, but no...


Maybe i should try doing the tutorials from scratch again.


Btw, where can i find the updated version of the wiki? i tried the link from the forums toolbar but the forge documentation doesn't exists, and the begginner tutorials are just for older versions, couldn't find something related to 1.5 and beyond.



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Follow what the error is saying. Minecraft is trying to find an image called (ex. from errors you put up) TutorialBlock0.png in the folder assets/alpharo_tutorial test/textures/blocks/ Make sure it is exactly like that because one missed letter or capitalization could be the issue.

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Thanks God i made it...fiuuu


The initial hierarchy was ok but you were right, i had to capitalize the png file names, now it loads properly :)


I keep having issues with the tutorial item, but i really don't mind about it because i didn't look the corresponding tutorial very carefully so i'll make that again


Thanks a lot for your help!

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