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Hello, how would I go about checking the block a player lands on when a player takes fall damage. I have the code for the event:


public void onHurtEvent(LivingHurtEvent e) {
	if (e.entity instanceof EntityPlayer) {
		DamageSource source = e.source;
		EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) e.entity;
		if (!player.worldObj.isRemote) {
                            if (source == DamageSource.fall) {
                                // Unsure of what to do here to check the block the player landed on.


The idea is, if a player lands on a certain block, I want the damage to be set to 0. I know how to set the damage and all of that fun stuff.



Do you think this would work?


int x = (int)Math.floor(player.posX);
int y = (int)Math.floor(player.posY);
int z = (int)Math.floor(player.posZ);

int blockID = player.worldObj.getBlockId(x, y, z);


edit: actually the block bellow the player would have y - 1 I think.


did you see my edit? I think the block below the player's feet would be changin this:


int blockID = player.worldObj.getBlockId(x, y, z);


to this:


int blockID = player.worldObj.getBlockId(x, y - 1, z);


edit: sorry... we're both posting without seeing each other's answers. That thing that says "someone posted to this thread while you were typing" or something is not working  :-\

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