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Does anyone know how to turn redstone wire on by right clicking with an item, and returning it to normal when releasing right click? I am using this code, but it is not working properly:

public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack is, EntityPlayer player, World w, int x, int y, int z, int l, float f, float f1, float f3){
if(w.getBlockId(x, y, z) == Block.redstoneWire.blockID){
	w.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 15, 3);
return false;

What happens is if I hold right click on a redstone wire, it will pulse on and off rapidly, and not effect any other wire in the circuit (visibly). If I place a door in the circuit, I can hear a door opening and closing, but nothing visual happens. Obviously, the problem is that the redstone is returning to its normal state as soon as I set it to powered, but is there any way to keep it powered throughout?




This is because redstone wires update frequently to keep up with changes to their circuitry. If theres a way around this, it's probably not worth the trouble it will give you. powering a redstone circuit in the normal way is already easy enough. If you really do MUST do this, I suppose we could some up with a solution. Also, you should return true from inside the if block. That method is supposed to return true when it succeeds and false when it fails. Yours always fails.


You can create your own redstone block class by copying the code from the vanilla redstone block (inheriting may or may not be enough depending on if the methods/fields you need to access are set to private or protected.) Then change your custom class to always be on. Then, when right clicking vanilla redstone, change it to be your custom version of redstone and vice versa to turn it off. This is essentially replacing the redstone with a redstone torch, but makes it more discrete visually.


I haven't looked at any of that code, but if it uses tile entities in any way, make sure you clean them up when switching blocks or you'll encounter weird behavior.

width=336 height=83http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/1237/cooltext624963071.png[/img]

I make games, minecraft mods/plugins, and some graphic art.


Current Project: LoECraft - An industrial minecraft server with its own modpack and custom launcher.


You can create your own redstone block class by copying the code from the vanilla redstone block (inheriting may or may not be enough depending on if the methods/fields you need to access are set to private or protected.) Then change your custom class to always be on. Then, when right clicking vanilla redstone, change it to be your custom version of redstone and vice versa to turn it off. This is essentially replacing the redstone with a redstone torch, but makes it more discrete visually.


I haven't looked at any of that code, but if it uses tile entities in any way, make sure you clean them up when switching blocks or you'll encounter weird behavior.


A very nice solution my friend. That is very well thought out. There are so many things one COULD do with a mod, but not many people harness the possibilities... Sorry for my soliloquy peeps xD

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD


You can create your own redstone block class by copying the code from the vanilla redstone block (inheriting may or may not be enough depending on if the methods/fields you need to access are set to private or protected.) Then change your custom class to always be on. Then, when right clicking vanilla redstone, change it to be your custom version of redstone and vice versa to turn it off. This is essentially replacing the redstone with a redstone torch, but makes it more discrete visually.


I haven't looked at any of that code, but if it uses tile entities in any way, make sure you clean them up when switching blocks or you'll encounter weird behavior.


Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that and get back to you!


Ok, I sorta got that working, but it's buggy as balls. I'm not entirely sure how to register when the user stops hold right clicking, so the block will stay my new redstone wire block until broken. I tried onPlayerStoppedUsing, but that doesn't work. How do I make it so that when I right click, it holds sort of like a bow does (and doesn't look like I'm spamming right click)? If the wire block I click has wires attached to sides opposite each other, it powers the circuit, otherwise, it will just glow red but not power anything else. Very weird. For the new redstone wire block, I pretty much copied the normal redstone wire block, but changed the getMaxCurrentStrength method to always return 15. Thanks for the help.


I would suggest getting the block that you are looking at...


What I mean is, on item right click, get the block you clicked, and then using the functions of that block ( after checking that it is indeed a redstone wire that has been clicked ), set the power to max.

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD


Ok it works sort of well now. When you right click a piece of redstone it will turn on for 1 second then turn off (like a button). The problem is that it only works on some pieces of redstone, specifically with ones that have redstone wire on two opposite sides. If it does't have redstone wire on two opposite sides, the redstone will still light up and power anything directly adjacent, but will not propagate to any other redstone wire. I am almost sure this is a problem with the getMaxCurrentStrength method. I set it to always return 15 (max power) for my new redstone wire. Does anyone who knows how redstone calculations work know of a way to keep it powered without the glitchiness that I am running into? Thanks.


Ok after pretty much changing everything around in the class to see what would happen, I made isProvidingWeakPower always return 15 and I didn't get any weird problems. Thanks everyone for the help!

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