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How to use setBlock on a server?


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Hi guys, im trying to use the setBlock command to place the active (giving out redstone power) version of my keypad if the code you type in the keypad GUI is correct. The code im about to show you works flawlessly on the client (Singleplayer) side, but not on the server (Multiplayer) side. Heres the code:


BlockKeypad 'onBlockActivated' code:

    this.playerObj = par5EntityPlayer;

    this.lastKeypadX = par2;

    this.lastKeypadY = par3;

    this.lastKeypadZ = par4;


    if(par1World instanceof WorldServer){

        this.worldServerObj = par1World;

        TileEntityKeypad TEK = (TileEntityKeypad) par1World.getBlockTileEntity(par2, par3, par4);

        System.out.println(TEK.getKeypadCode() + " | Code from TileEntity");


        this.openCode = TEK.getKeypadCode();

        if(TEK.getKeypadCode() == 0){

            par5EntityPlayer.openGui(mod_SecurityCraft.instance, 1, par1World, par2, par3, par4);


            par5EntityPlayer.openGui(mod_SecurityCraft.instance, 0, par1World, par2, par3, par4);



        return true;


        this.worldObj = par1World;

          //Rest of client code here



        return true;




GuiKeypad code:

private void checkCode(String par1String) {

    int code = 0;


        code = Integer.parseInt(par1String);

    }catch(Exception e){




    System.out.println(BlockKeypad.openCode + " | GUI");

    if(code == BlockKeypad.openCode){         

  new ScheduleUpdate(3, BlockKeypad.worldServerObj, BlockKeypad.lastKeypadX,BlockKeypad.lastKeypadY, BlockKeypad.lastKeypadZ, BlockKeypad.openCode, this.keypadInventory);





ScheduleUpdate class:

public class ScheduleUpdate{

    Timer timer;

    private int xCoord;

    private int yCoord;

    private int zCoord;

    private int metadata;

    private int passcode;

    private TileEntityKeypad TEK;

    public ScheduleUpdate(int seconds, World par2World, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6, TileEntityKeypad keypadInventory){

        timer = new Timer();

        timer.schedule(new RemindTask(), seconds*1000); //TODO 60

        xCoord = par3;

        yCoord = par4;

        zCoord = par5;

        passcode = par6;

        TEK = keypadInventory;

        //BlockKeypad.shouldCheckMeta = false;


        metadata = par2World.getBlockMetadata(par3, par4 , par5);

        System.out.println(metadata + " | metadata");

        par2World.setBlock(par3, par4, par5, mod_SecurityCraft.KeypadActive.blockID, metadata, 3);

        par2World.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(par3, par4 , par5, mod_SecurityCraft.KeypadActive.blockID);



    class RemindTask extends TimerTask{


        public void run(){

            BlockKeypad.worldObj.setBlock(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, mod_SecurityCraft.Keypad.blockID, metadata, 3);

            BlockKeypad.worldObj.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, mod_SecurityCraft.Keypad.blockID);


            ((TileEntityKeypad) BlockKeypad.worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord)).setKeypadCode(passcode);








If i use this code i have now, for some reason, it gives me a NullPointerException on BlockKeypad.worldServerObj when i create a new ScheduleUpdate object (in the GuiKeypad code). If i switch that with BlockKeypad.worldObj (my client side World object), it looks like it places the block, but if i update the new block (right-clicking it, placing a block next to it, etc. ), it disappears. So im guessing i have to use the worldServerObj, but again, it throws a NullPointerException whenever i try and use that, even though im setting to the server's World object before the GUI even opens.


I made a item to System.out.println() the two world objects i made in the BlockKeypad class.


When i right-click it, it prints this in the console (client):




In the server console:




Anyone know whats wrong? I would greatly appreciate any help at all, as this is the only thing holding me back from releasing the SMP-compatible version of my mod. Thanks!


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Well, use only one World field. Not WorldClient nor WorldServer.

Make sure it is initialized on both sides too.

Could you do a brief explanation of how? Sorry, this is the first time im making a SMP compatible mod.

Potato's have skin. I have skin. Therefore, i am a potato.


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Instead of

if(world instanceof WorldServer){
        this.worldServerObj = world;
this.worldObj = world;


this.worldObj = world;

Ok, so there is no NullPointerException now, but its still doing that "fake" block thing, where if you update the block in any way, it disappears.

Potato's have skin. I have skin. Therefore, i am a potato.


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You called your ScheduleUpdate in your Gui class, which is client side only.

You'd better send a packet to the server, which will then call the SheduleUpdate and perform changes.

I thought i needed to send a packet too ;). Could you post an example code? (Sorry)

Potato's have skin. I have skin. Therefore, i am a potato.


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