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Many errors when running Forge server


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I'm self-hosting a Minecraft server using Forge 1.18.2, it works ok but there seems to be a lot of errors and warnings when I boot it up, which makes me worry. Can anyone explain what is happening, and how to fix them? For reference, the mods I am using are

Music Maker Mod


Valkyrien Skies

Eureka (for Valkryein)



Sophisticated Core

Sophisticated Backpacks

Kotlin for Forge




MrCrayfish's Gun Mod

MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod

Farmer's Delight


I attached the log below.

C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge>REM Forge requires a configured set of both JVM and program arguments.


C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge>REM Add custom JVM arguments to the user_jvm_args.txt

C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge>REM Add custom program arguments {such as nogui} to this file in the next line before the  or

C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge>REM  pass them to this script directly

C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge>java @user_jvm_args.txt @libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.18.2-40.2.1/win_args.txt
2023-02-08 10:36:10,001 main WARN Advanced terminal features are not available in this environment
[10:36:10] [main/INFO] [cp.mo.mo.Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher running: args [--launchTarget, forgeserver, --fml.forgeVersion, 40.2.1, --fml.mcVersion, 1.18.2, --fml.forgeGroup, net.minecraftforge, --fml.mcpVersion, 20220404.173914]
[10:36:10] [main/INFO] [cp.mo.mo.Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher 9.1.3+9.1.3+main.9b69c82a starting: java version 17.0.6 by Oracle Corporation
[10:36:10] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=union:/C:/Users/Hunter/Desktop/Forge/libraries/org/spongepowered/mixin/0.8.5/mixin-0.8.5.jar%2314!/ Service=ModLauncher Env=SERVER
[10:36:10] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge\libraries\net\minecraftforge\fmlcore\1.18.2-40.2.1\fmlcore-1.18.2-40.2.1.jar is missing mods.toml file
[10:36:10] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge\libraries\net\minecraftforge\javafmllanguage\1.18.2-40.2.1\javafmllanguage-1.18.2-40.2.1.jar is missing mods.toml file
[10:36:10] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge\libraries\net\minecraftforge\lowcodelanguage\1.18.2-40.2.1\lowcodelanguage-1.18.2-40.2.1.jar is missing mods.toml file
[10:36:10] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge\libraries\net\minecraftforge\mclanguage\1.18.2-40.2.1\mclanguage-1.18.2-40.2.1.jar is missing mods.toml file
[10:36:11] [main/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.JarInJarDependencyLocator/]: Found 27 dependencies adding them to mods collection
[10:36:12] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
[10:36:12] [main/INFO] [cp.mo.mo.LaunchServiceHandler/MODLAUNCHER]: Launching target 'forgeserver' with arguments []
[10:36:12] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'eureka-forge-refmap.json' for vs_eureka.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[10:36:12] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: dev/ftb/mods/ftbchunks/data/ClaimedChunkManager (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: dev.ftb.mods.ftbchunks.data.ClaimedChunkManager)
[10:36:12] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: dan200/computercraft/shared/peripheral/speaker/SpeakerPosition (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.speaker.SpeakerPosition)
[10:36:12] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: dan200/computercraft/shared/turtle/core/TurtleBrain (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: dan200.computercraft.shared.turtle.core.TurtleBrain)
[10:36:12] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: dan200/computercraft/shared/turtle/core/TurtleMoveCommand (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: dan200.computercraft.shared.turtle.core.TurtleMoveCommand)
[10:36:12] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: dan200/computercraft/shared/peripheral/modem/wireless/WirelessNetwork (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.modem.wireless.WirelessNetwork)
[10:36:12] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: blusunrize/immersiveengineering/common/gui/BlockEntityInventory (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.gui.BlockEntityInventory)
[10:36:12] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: cofh/core/block/entity/TileCoFH (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cofh.core.block.entity.TileCoFH)
[10:36:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [co.tt.re.AbstractRegistrate/]: Detected new forge version, registering events reflectively.
[10:36:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [ne.mi.co.ForgeMod/FORGEMOD]: Forge mod loading, version 40.2.1, for MC 1.18.2 with MCP 20220404.173914
[10:36:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [ne.mi.co.MinecraftForge/FORGE]: MinecraftForge v40.2.1 Initialized
[10:36:20] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [th.ko.te.KotlinForForge/]: Kotlin For Forge Enabled!
registering network handlers
[10:36:24] [main/INFO] [xe.xe.co.XercaMusic/]: XercaMusic: Registering items
[10:36:24] [main/INFO] [xe.xe.co.XercaMusic/]: XercaMusic: Registering tile entities
[10:36:24] [main/INFO] [ne.mi.re.GameData/]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `milk`, expected `forge`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[10:36:24] [main/INFO] [ne.mi.re.GameData/]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `flowing_milk`, expected `forge`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[10:36:24] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.co.ForgeConfigSpec/CORE]: Configuration file C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\Forge\config\sophisticatedcore-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
[10:36:24] [main/INFO] [Framework/SYNCED_ENTITY_DATA]: Registered synced data key cgm:aiming for minecraft:player
[10:36:24] [main/INFO] [Framework/SYNCED_ENTITY_DATA]: Registered synced data key cgm:shooting for minecraft:player
[10:36:24] [main/INFO] [Framework/SYNCED_ENTITY_DATA]: Registered synced data key cgm:reloading for minecraft:player
[10:36:25] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [cgm] Starting version check at https://mrcrayfish.com/modupdatejson?id=cgm
[10:36:26] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [cgm] Found status: BETA Current: 1.3.3 Target: 1.3.3
[10:36:26] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [flywheel] Starting version check at https://api.modrinth.com/updates/flywheel/forge_updates.json
[10:36:26] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [flywheel] Found status: UP_TO_DATE Current: 0.6.8.a Target: null
[10:36:26] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [cfm] Starting version check at https://mrcrayfish.com/modupdatejson?id=cfm
[10:36:26] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [cfm] Found status: BETA Current: 7.0.0-pre35 Target: 7.0.0-pre35
[10:36:26] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [framework] Starting version check at https://mrcrayfish.com/modupdatejson?id=framework
[10:36:26] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [framework] Found status: BETA Current: 0.4.2 Target: 0.4.2
[10:36:27] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [forge] Starting version check at https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/promotions_slim.json
[10:36:27] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.VersionChecker/]: [forge] Found status: AHEAD Current: 40.2.1 Target: null
[10:36:27] [main/INFO] [mojang/YggdrasilAuthenticationService]: Environment: authHost='https://authserver.mojang.com', accountsHost='https://api.mojang.com', sessionHost='https://sessionserver.mojang.com', servicesHost='https://api.minecraftservices.com', name='PROD'
[10:36:28] [main/WARN] [minecraft/VanillaPackResources]: Assets URL 'union:/C:/Users/Hunter/Desktop/Forge/libraries/net/minecraft/server/1.18.2-20220404.173914/server-1.18.2-20220404.173914-srg.jar%2356!/assets/.mcassetsroot' uses unexpected schema
[10:36:28] [main/WARN] [minecraft/VanillaPackResources]: Assets URL 'union:/C:/Users/Hunter/Desktop/Forge/libraries/net/minecraft/server/1.18.2-20220404.173914/server-1.18.2-20220404.173914-srg.jar%2356!/data/.mcassetsroot' uses unexpected schema
[10:36:30] [main/WARN] [minecraft/Commands]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
[10:36:30] [main/WARN] [minecraft/Commands]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
[10:36:30] [main/WARN] [minecraft/Commands]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
[10:36:30] [main/WARN] [minecraft/Commands]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
[10:36:30] [main/WARN] [minecraft/Commands]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
[10:36:30] [main/WARN] [minecraft/Commands]: Ambiguity between arguments [create, coupling, add, cart1] and [create, coupling, add, carts] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
[10:36:30] [main/WARN] [minecraft/Commands]: Ambiguity between arguments [create, coupling, add, carts] and [create, coupling, add, cart1] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
[10:36:30] [main/WARN] [minecraft/Commands]: Ambiguity between arguments [create, coupling, add, cart1] and [create, coupling, add, carts] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
[10:36:30] [main/WARN] [minecraft/Commands]: Ambiguity between arguments [create, coupling, add, carts] and [create, coupling, add, cart1] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
[10:36:31] [Worker-Main-26/INFO] [minecraft/RecipeManager]: Loaded 27 recipes
[10:36:32] [Worker-Main-26/INFO] [minecraft/AdvancementList]: Loaded 3080 advancements
[10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Starting minecraft server version 1.18.2
[10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Loading properties
[10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/MinecraftServer]: Generating keypair
[10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
[10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/ServerConnectionListener]: Using default channel type
[10:36:33] [Server thread/WARN] [ne.mi.co.ForgeConfigSpec/CORE]: Configuration file .\world\serverconfig\cgm-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
[10:36:33] [Server thread/WARN] [ne.mi.co.ForgeConfigSpec/CORE]: Incorrect key server.cooldownThreshold was corrected from 0 to its default, 75.
[10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Preparing level "world"
[10:36:34] [Server thread/INFO] [or.va.co.im.ne.VSNetworking/]: We are not using UDP, falling back to TCP
[10:36:34] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/MinecraftServer]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
[10:36:34] [Worker-Main-24/INFO] [minecraft/LoggerChunkProgressListener]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[10:36:34] [Worker-Main-19/INFO] [minecraft/LoggerChunkProgressListener]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[10:36:35] [Worker-Main-27/INFO] [minecraft/LoggerChunkProgressListener]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[10:36:35] [Worker-Main-20/INFO] [minecraft/LoggerChunkProgressListener]: Preparing spawn area: 18%
[10:36:36] [Worker-Main-24/INFO] [minecraft/LoggerChunkProgressListener]: Preparing spawn area: 89%
[10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/LoggerChunkProgressListener]: Time elapsed: 2157 ms
[10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Done (2.718s)! For help, type "help"
[10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO] [ne.mi.se.pe.PermissionAPI/]: Successfully initialized permission handler forge:default_handler


Edited by Qetnuh
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So the warnings applied are for mixins, configs, and commands. For the case of mixins, it seems like the class that it is applied to cannot be found. However, since the mixin is most likely marked as optional, it returns a warning in the game instead of erroring. The config warning is either because the config is not present. In that case, it just generates the config. For commands, it means when running the command, the argument being provided could be interpreted in many different ways. Though, it likely won't cause an effect on you if you are playing in a singleplayer world.

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3 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

So the warnings applied are for mixins, configs, and commands. For the case of mixins, it seems like the class that it is applied to cannot be found. However, since the mixin is most likely marked as optional, it returns a warning in the game instead of erroring. The config warning is either because the config is not present. In that case, it just generates the config. For commands, it means when running the command, the argument being provided could be interpreted in many different ways. Though, it likely won't cause an effect on you if you are playing in a singleplayer world.

Say that this was a multiplayer world, would these issues cause any problems for me and other people playing in the future, and if so, how do I fix this?

Edited by Qetnuh
Added additional question
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