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Crafting Modded Items

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Hello, a couple days ago me and my friends started a forge server on minecraft 1.16.5 to play with mods. We started the server without the mods and with time started to add some, even though i know you're not supposed to do modding like that it all worked with no problem, untill today when we added like 50 mods, and the problem is with the modded items, i cant craft them nor any of my friends. The old modded items and the vanilla items are craftable but the newer ones can't be crafted. Also we can take the items from creative, but that ruins it alot.

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Actually i found out that by the mod ,,Traveler's Backpack,, you can make the recipes, that in the normal crafting table i can't do - i really know the basics of the modding but my intuition made me think to try this, and it really works. Btw i still kinda need help.

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