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[solved][1.19.2] force crawl position on player entity and how to prevent getting suffocation damage


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im retaking the work on the toilet block 



this toilet actually works but there's two issues that bother me the first one is visual coze the toilet takes the player entity and carry it trough the tunnel in standing position,  the tunnel is just one block high and player eye position is at 1.8 soo it clips inside the block above and you cannot see where the water is taking you also that's kill the player by suffocation damage in long runs



that is 
 i need a coded way to force the player to crawl position and also a way to avoid getting suffocation damage

thanks for your ideas .


Edited by perromercenary00
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5 hours ago, Alpvax said:

You need to set/force the pose to Pose.SWIMMING

hthanks its works buts also  brings  a new issue 


causes the player to crawl but gets stuck crawling and the only way is close reopen the map 




i would perfect to has some kind of 

int time = 20;

player.setForcedPose(Pose.SWIMMING, time);

and before time expires check the conditions to crawl another 20 ticks 

still usable know i have to find a way to store a list of entities inside the toilet entity and a way to pass that list from server side to client side 











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  • perromercenary00 changed the title to [solved][1.19.2] force crawl position on player entity and how to prevent getting suffocation damage

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