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My Forge Server keeps crashing mid launch. I don't know why, I've already tried looking into the crash reports, removing any client sided mods and I'm out of ideas.
The internet (Google and other forum posts) isn't helping either because these problems usually are very specific, so that's why I landed here.

I'd be happy If anyone could help me out here.

Here is the Crashlog: https://pastebin.com/7Hsx7Vb7

What I chose for the start.bat: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8\bin\java.exe" -Xmx9216M -Xms9216M -jar forge-1.12.2-

I had to put in the specific Java.exe path since 1.12 Servers don't seem to support Java 17.


Thanks in advance.


1.12.2 is no longer supported here. We only support 1.18.x and 1.19.x.

I'm not good at modding, but at least I can read a crash report (well enough). That's something, right?

12 minutes ago, Hipposgrumm said:

1.12.2 is no longer supported here. We only support 1.18.x and 1.19.x.

Ah, with a bit of reading I would've seen that.

Well, guess I'm on my own then.

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