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[1.19.4] How can I add cooldown to my portal block?


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Since there's no cooldown the player will go on a constant loop on changing dimensions since the player is inside the block. Here's what I have:

My portal block:

    public void entityInside(BlockState blockState, Level level, BlockPos blockPos, Entity entity)
        if(entity.isOnPortalCooldown()) {

        if(!entity.isOnPortalCooldown() && entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
            if (!level.isClientSide())
                if (!entity.isCrouching())
                    MinecraftServer server = level.getServer();

                    if (server != null)
                        if (level.dimension() == DimensionsSTLCON.XENOSPHERE_KEY)
                            ServerLevel overWorld = server.getLevel(Level.OVERWORLD);
                            if (overWorld != null)
                                entity.changeDimension(overWorld, new XenosphereTeleporter(blockPos, false));
                            ServerLevel serverLevel = server.getLevel(DimensionsSTLCON.XENOSPHERE_KEY);
                            if (serverLevel != null)
                                entity.changeDimension(serverLevel, new XenosphereTeleporter(blockPos, true));


And my teleporter:

public class XenosphereTeleporter implements ITeleporter
    public static BlockPos thisPos = BlockPos.ZERO;
    public static boolean insideDimension = true;

    public XenosphereTeleporter(BlockPos pos, boolean insideDim)
        thisPos = pos;
        insideDimension = insideDim;

    public Entity placeEntity(Entity entity, ServerLevel currentWorld, ServerLevel destinationWorld,
                              float yaw, Function<Boolean, Entity> repositionEntity)
        entity = repositionEntity.apply(false);
        int y = 69;

        if (!insideDimension)
            y = thisPos.getY();

        BlockPos destinationPos = new BlockPos(thisPos.getX(), y, thisPos.getZ());

        int tries = 0;
        while ((destinationWorld.getBlockState(destinationPos).getMaterial() != Material.AIR) &&
                !destinationWorld.getBlockState(destinationPos).canBeReplaced(Fluids.WATER) &&
                destinationWorld.getBlockState(destinationPos.above()).getMaterial() != Material.AIR &&
                !destinationWorld.getBlockState(destinationPos.above()).canBeReplaced(Fluids.WATER) && tries < 25)
            destinationPos = destinationPos.above(2);

        entity.teleportTo(destinationPos.getX(), destinationPos.getY(), destinationPos.getZ());

        if (insideDimension)
            boolean doSetBlock = true;
            for (BlockPos checkPos : BlockPos.betweenClosed(destinationPos.below(10).west(10).south(10), destinationPos.above(10).east(10).north(10)))
                if (destinationWorld.getBlockState(checkPos).getBlock() instanceof XenosphereTeleporterBlock)
                    doSetBlock = false;
            if (doSetBlock)
                destinationWorld.setBlock(destinationPos, BlocksSTLCON.XENOSPHERE_PORTAL.get().defaultBlockState(), 3);

        return entity;


I've tried several ways but no luck, unfortunately, and ideas?


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15 hours ago, Feroov said:

I've tried several ways but no luck, unfortunately, and ideas?

You need to call `Entity#setPortalCooldown` twice: once when the entity is within the portal with a cooldown, and once when the entity is teleported by the portal. The first check prevents the entity from being teleported back if they haven't left the portal for a certain period of time. The second is for actually telling the entity that is has been teleported, and that it should verify the first check. You've currently only got the first check in place, which won't do anything on its own. You need to also set the cooldown after the entity has been teleported.

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