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Server-side manager for TileEntities?


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Hi everybody!


I started modding the other day and made some good progress but now I've hit a wall.

My idea is this: I have a semi-expensive to craft block a player can right click. The block (a TileEntity obviously) stores the player's name.

I then listen to the LivingDeathEvent event. If a player dies I cancel the event, set his health to half a heart and teleport him on top of the block he was "bound" to.

Now...I've managed the right-clicking, the event handling and the teleporting but it all works a bit wonky probably due to massive syncing issues I'm currently not able to comprehend.

Currently I'm doing something like this: a player clicks the block -> the TileEntity registers at a central class which holds a static collection of all active resurrection blocks (i.e. TileEntities). If the LivingDeathEvent occurs it checks if it was a player and then iterates over all elements (TileEntities) in the collection to check if the player was "bound" to one of them. Which one of these things do I need to handle on which side (client/server)? Do I need packages or am I overlooking something obvious?


Here's some random code:

click on the block

public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int par6, float par7, float par8, float par9) {
    TileEntityResurrectionBlock base = (TileEntityResurrectionBlock)world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
    if (base != null) {
        if (player.isSneaking()) {
            if (base.isBound()) {
                if(!world.isRemote) player.addChatMessage(MessagesEn.SOMEONE_ELSE_BOUND);
            } else {
                if(!world.isRemote) player.addChatMessage(MessagesEn.NOW_BOUND);
        } else {
            if (base.isBound()) {
                if(!world.isRemote) player.addChatMessage(MessagesEn.PLAYER_BOUND + base.getBoundPlayer());
            } else {
                if(!world.isRemote) player.addChatMessage(MessagesEn.NOT_BOUND);
    return false;


setBinding in TileEntityResurrectionBlock

public void setBinding(String playerName) {
    boundPlayer = playerName;



public class BlockManager {
    private static List blocks = new ArrayList();

    public static void addBlock(TileEntityResurrectionBlock base) {
        //if(!Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.isRemote) return;
        Iterator it = blocks.iterator();
        // check if this player already has a bound vita-chamber anywhere
        // and remove that one
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            TileEntityResurrectionBlock b = (TileEntityResurrectionBlock)it.next();
            if (b.getBoundPlayer().equals(base.getBoundPlayer())) {


    public static void removeBlock(TileEntityResurrectionBlock base) {
        //if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.isRemote) return;

    public static TileEntityResurrectionBlock isPlayerBoundAnywhere(String playerName) {
        Iterator it = blocks.iterator();
        boolean isBound = false;
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            TileEntityResurrectionBlock base = (TileEntityResurrectionBlock)it.next();
            if (base.getBoundPlayer().equals(playerName)) {
                return base;
        return null;



- Chris

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