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WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.vector
__ ___
/ |/ /___ _____ _____ ___ ____ _
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/_/ /_/\__,_/\__, /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/
Copyright (c) 2023 MagmaFoundation.
Running on Java 17.0.3 (Eclipse Adoptium)
Magma version 1.18.2-cf0b461c
Bukkit version v1_18_R2
Forge version 1.18.2-40.1.80-cf0b461
--------------------------------------WARNING: The new server jar is still under development and will be unstable! If you experience any issues, please report them to the developers.
WARNING: If the server crashes while installing, try removing the libraries folder and launching the server again.
Loading libraries... 0% [ ] 0/100 (0:00:00 / ?) Loading libraries... 86% [================== ] 86/100 (0:00:00 / 0:00:00) Loading libraries... 100% [======================] 100/100 (0:00:00 / 0:00:00) Loading libraries... 100% [======================] 100/100 (0:00:00 / 0:00:00)
[11:21:43] [main/INFO] [cp.mo.mo.Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher running: args [--launchTarget, forgeserver, --fml.forgeVersion, 40.1.80, --fml.mcVersion, 1.18.2, --fml.forgeGroup, net.minecraftforge, --fml.mcpVersion, 20220404.173914]
[11:21:43] [main/INFO] [cp.mo.mo.Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher 9.1.3+9.1.3+main.9b69c82a starting: java version 17.0.3 by Eclipse Adoptium
[11:21:43] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=union:/server/libraries/org/spongepowered/mixin/0.8.5/mixin-0.8.5.jar%2314!/ Service=ModLauncher Env=SERVER
[11:21:43] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/fmlcore/1.18.2-40.1.80/fmlcore-1.18.2-40.1.80.jar is missing mods.toml file
[11:21:43] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/javafmllanguage/1.18.2-40.1.80/javafmllanguage-1.18.2-40.1.80.jar is missing mods.toml file
[11:21:43] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/lowcodelanguage/1.18.2-40.1.80/lowcodelanguage-1.18.2-40.1.80.jar is missing mods.toml file
[11:21:43] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/mclanguage/1.18.2-40.1.80/mclanguage-1.18.2-40.1.80.jar is missing mods.toml file
[11:21:43] [main/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.JarInJarDependencyLocator/]: Found 1 dependencies adding them to mods collection
[11:21:45] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
[11:21:45] [main/ERROR] [mixin/]: Mixin config plasmovoice-common.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
[11:21:45] [main/ERROR] [mixin/]: Mixin config plasmovoice.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
[11:21:45] [main/INFO] [cp.mo.mo.LaunchServiceHandler/MODLAUNCHER]: Launching target 'forgeserver' with arguments []
[11:21:45] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'yungsbridges.refmap.json' for yungsbridges.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[11:21:45] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'yungsbridges.refmap.json' for yungsbridges_forge.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[11:21:45] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'yungsextras.refmap.json' for yungsextras.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[11:21:45] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'yungsextras.refmap.json' for yungsextras_forge.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[11:21:46] [main/INFO] [memoryleakfix/]: [MemoryLeakFix] Will be applying 3 memory leak fixes!
[11:21:46] [main/INFO] [memoryleakfix/]: [MemoryLeakFix] Currently enabled memory leak fixes: [tagKeyLeak, entityMemoriesLeak, biomeTemperatureLeak]
[11:22:04] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [Fastload/]: DEBUG: FALSE
[11:22:05] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [Fastload/]: PREGEN_CHUNK_RADIUS: 5
[11:22:05] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [Fastload/]: PREGEN_CHUNK_AREA: 121
[11:22:05] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [co.tt.re.AbstractRegistrate/]: Detected new forge version, registering events reflectively.
[11:22:06] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [ne.mi.co.ForgeMod/FORGEMOD]: Forge mod loading, version 40.1.80, for MC 1.18.2 with MCP 20220404.173914
[11:22:06] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [ne.mi.co.MinecraftForge/FORGE]: MinecraftForge v40.1.80 Initialized

After the message "[modloading-worker-0/INFO] [ne.mi.co.MinecraftForge/FORGE]: Minecraft Forge v40.1.80 Initialized", the server does not continue loading. I don't understand what this could be related to

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