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[1.19.4] Poison, how to detect if player is poisoned, how to remove only poison efect ?


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mi question is just like that im redoing mi blue herb on a pot 

digging minecraft code i could dig out this 

	public void effectos(LivingEntity le){
Collection<MobEffectInstance> effects = le.getActiveEffects();

//Iterator<MobEffectInstance> iterator = effects.iterator();

for( MobEffectInstance effectinstance : effects ){
MobEffect mobeffect = effectinstance.getEffect();
System.out.println( "Efecto: " + mobeffect.getDisplayName() );

if (mobeffect == MobEffects.POISON)//mobeffect == MobEffects.REGENERATION ||


i find something 

but this object mobeffect i dont understand how it works 
like i know theres poison and poison II both return on terminal the same line of text 

	Efecto: translation{key='effect.minecraft.poison', args=[]}  //this is poison normal 3min
	Efecto: translation{key='effect.minecraft.poison', args=[]} //this is poison II 

// mi questions 

i wanna instantly remove poison 1  but on poison II i wanna downgrade it to poison 1 

in the net.minecraft.world.effect.MobEffects tehres only a POISON entry so poison II must be some internal thing 

also i dont see how to access to the poison timers from here that i could work whit 

how ? 


thanks for your time 






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