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[Partially Solved] HELP: Strange PlayerEvent Phenomenon


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        I am creating a mod that adds more enchantments to the game. I am using the Forge Hooks (which are amazing, by the way) to insert the new effects of the enchantment into the base classes. One of my added enchantments was a jump boost which would increase the player's jump height if the boots contain the corresponding enchantment. I've discovered something very odd, however, with the PlayerEvent hook:


public void playerFallen(PlayerEvent event)
        Minecraft minecraft = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
EntityPlayer player = event.entityPlayer;
ItemStack stack = player.inventory.armorItemInSlot(0);

if(EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(ArcaneEnchantments.jumpBoost.effectId, stack) > 0)
	canJumpBoost = true;

if(canJumpBoost == true && Keyboard.isKeyDown(minecraft.gameSettings.keyBindJump.keyCode) && player.motionY > 0.0D)
	player.motionY += 0.069;


(Brief note: the canJumpBoost boolean is publicly declared in my hook container class.)


        The code works fine except for one thing: the jump boost only takes effect when you are trying to break a block. As far as I can tell, the PlayerEvent has no fields or arguments which require the player to be breaking blocks in order to execute an action. In fact, when I plug in EntityPlayer booleans such as


it works just fine. Also, I add "System.out" within my if-statements to make sure the method is being called --which it is. If any of you could help me figure out what is going on here, I would be much obliged. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a wonderful day.  ;)

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    Yes, both if-statements are being executed correctly...only when the player is trying to break a block and is jumping. There are many player events, but the PlayerEvent is the main one, correct? Also, as I said above, code like


works correctly without having to try breaking blocks. I have looked at the Forge Hook page, and it is perfectly valid, I believe, to use a hook with the PlayerEvent. I am just utterly perplexed.  :(

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Alright, a little update: I have figured out how to call the player's jump action, even without calling the key code of the Minecraft class too. In the LivingEvent, there is a LivingJumpEvent, which I am now using. Here is my code:


public void playerFallen(LivingJumpEvent event)
EntityLivingBase living = event.entityLiving;
EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) living;
ItemStack stack = player.inventory.armorItemInSlot(0);

if(EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(ArcaneEnchantments.jumpBoost.effectId, stack) > 0)
        if(player.motionY > 0.0D)
		player.motionY += 0.069;


Granted, the higher jump effect is still not working quite yet, but I believe I am on the road to success. It just took some fresh eyes and a break from coding to figure it out. Thank you guys for your assistance, and I hope anybody reading this in the future can fix their problem as well!  :)

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