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Anticheat Problem


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It's a hard problem that players cheat.

Usually using client mod, transparent textures or something like that to do this.

Is there any idea dealing with cheating? I'm thinking about to do this with mod.

That the mod checks all mods' hash number to match the ones in server side that make sure that they have all and no extra mods in the client, and also check for the texture packs they use.

Which part should I learn about? Code or something about this?

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I guess if you look at it like that, But with windows, you may have access problems in the folders. But you could set it up that it calls a webpage that list all the md5, and it reads it as one big string, and you could compair


so it would see if the big string of banned md5s contains the read md5 of the texture pack. sends a true or false packet to the server, and the server can kick the players. that prevents xray texture packs.


Its possible you can do something similar with the mods folder, using arrays.

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To honest, I really doubt there is any way that the server can tell if the client is cheat-modded.  All the server can see from the client is packets, and cheaters can change the client code to give whatever the server expects to see.  MD5 won't help you because the client can send you whatever MD5 it likes.



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Yeah I know that as the protocol is public, it's hard to do that.

But what I'm dealing with is the one who don't know how to mod but how to install mod just by copy and paste, not modder themselves, which is better than doing nothing.

Stopping other mods to be loaded sounds like a good choice. I'm just doubting how to do this. Should I use ASM?

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