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[SOLVED]1.6.4 different setContainerItem problem


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Okay, so, I managed to get an item to return itself, but now I'm trying to get a different item to return another item and it's not working.


I've got four items. full_bucket_stew, three_bucket_stew, two_bucket_stew, one_bucket_stew


My idea was to use the setContainerItem method so that, when crafting with a bowl, it would give me a bowl of stew and the next stage down of the stew

so full_bucket_stew + bowl = three_bucket_stew + bowl_of_stew sorta thing


I figured, as the items are different, with different classes, it should just be .setContainerItem(three_bucket_stew) for full_bucket_stew, but that doesn't work


full_bucket_stew = new ItemStewBucketZero(ConfigurationFile.bucket_stew0ID, 2, 0.5F, false).setUnlocalizedName("full_bucket_stew").setCreativeTab(ServerModMain.serverTab).setTextureName("servermod:full_bucket_stew").setContainerItem(three_bucket_stew).setMaxStackSize(1);


I can make it return itself, I can make it return ANY other item, but for some reason, beyond my comprehension, it will not return my three_bucket_stew


I also tried adding "this.setContainerItem(ServerModItem.three_bucket_stew);" to the constructor of full_bucket_stew but it doesn't work.


package servermod.item;

import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemFood;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class ItemStewBucketZero extends ItemFood

public ItemStewBucketZero(int par1, int par2, float par3, boolean par4)
	super(par1, par2, par3, par4);

    public ItemStack onEaten(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
    	super.onEaten(par1ItemStack, par2World, par3EntityPlayer);
        if (!par3EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode)

        return par1ItemStack.stackSize <= 0 ? new ItemStack(ServerModItem.three_bucket_stew) : par1ItemStack;


(tried them both separate, using it in the constructor and where I intialised it separately, and together, neither worked)


So, what am I missing?

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well, using the setContainerItem and setting the setContainerItem of "full_bucket_stew" to be "three_bucket_stew" and using "full_bucket_stew" in the crafting grid, it's supposed to return "three_bucket_stew" and the item I've crafted. It doesn't. It just returns the item I've crafted. It's like it won't accept that "three_bucket_stew" is the container item for "full_bucket_stew".

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