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Reloading a single texture/resource (forge 1.20.1)


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For my mod I want to reload a single texture from the assets. (So all resource packs and such). I've succeeded in forcing a client to reload all assets, basically forcing an F3+T, but now I want to know if its possible to reload a single texture or resource. While it would be good to be able to reload models as well (When I say resource I mean sounds, textures, models, those things), I would settle for just being able to reload a texture.


I've reloaded all assets using Minecraft.getInstance().reloadResourcePacks(); on the client side.


My client is receiving a custom packet that contains a string resource location. This string is turned into an actual ResourceLocation, before being sent to my ResourceReloader.reloadSingleTexture utility function.

What I've tried in my utility function:


Releasing the texture and re-binding using TextureManager

public static void reloadSingleTexture(String resourcePath) {

  TextureManager textureManager = Minecraft.getInstance().getTextureManager();

  ResourceLocation resourceLocation = new ResourceLocation(resourcePath);


  // Rebind the texture, forcing it to be re-loaded?

Make a new texture object and add that using TextureManager

public static void reloadSingleTexture(String resourcePath) {

    TextureManager textureManager = Minecraft.getInstance().getTextureManager();
    ResourceLocation resourceLocation = new ResourceLocation(resourcePath);

  	// Just some unimportant error prevention
    AbstractTexture texture = textureManager.getTexture(resourceLocation);
    if (texture == null) {


  	// Make a new texture object?
    SimpleTexture newTexture = new SimpleTexture(resourceLocation);
  	// Re-add the texture?
    textureManager.register(resourceLocation, newTexture);


Resources I've looked at:


Reloading all textures, and outdated (somewhere around 1.9-1.12)


Maybe a "new way" with forge to reload textures? Seems mostly for testing and not for use as a part of your mod:



Havent looked much at this one, but it seems to be reloading groups/namespaces of textures somehow? Also outdated - 1.12


Isn't super helpful, since fabric, but also seems to just be mixin the keyboard so that F3+T works in GUI's, nothing very useful:


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