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[1.7.2][SOLVED] Getting Block References (*NOT* from World)

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I found figuring out how to place a block, in theory, pretty easy, but that leaves a real problem.  How do I get a reference to a block.  I'm building structures algorithmically so I don't need to get a block at (x,y,z) (well, for TileEntities I do, but in general I don't).  I need to be able to start with the block in code and pass it to the world.func_147446_b(x, y, z, block, a, b) method.  In 1.6 and 1.5 I just used one of the private static block variable from the Block class, but I don't see anything quite like that now.  Does anyone know yet how get a block?  Is there a method to get one by name / a String?  Is there a list of block objects somewhere else?  Any help would be appreciated.

Developer of Doomlike Dungeons.


I don't think it is physically possible to get a block from world, without using world. It seems that you are going to have to use world. What the method is temporarily named to however... Well... Have fun figuring that out. xD I haven't looked at 1.7 for that reason. Once they finish de-obfuscation it will make life much easier.


If you mean there's a list of blocks or a method to get blocks by name or such in world this is OK -- just have to dig into world and look at functions that return a type Block.


If you mean you have to get block references from the world, by copying one from the map that's going really mess things up for any mod that builds structure.  But if that's the case it begs the question, "How does the vanilla world gen get its blocks to build from to begin with?"  Maybe when I have time I snoop around the world generator and its block placement, too, to see if there is any hint on how to get a block.


Or is there a misunderstanding? -- I don't want to get a block that already exists in the world, I want to get a kind / type of block so I can place one in the world.  For example, get stoneBrick in general and build a room from it.


Call me lazy if you like, but I was really hoping someone had figured it out. OTOH, if I figure out how to do this in 1.7.2 first then I guess I'll earn some bragging rights (though I'd still trade them in to save the time).  It was so easy in 1.6.4  :(

Developer of Doomlike Dungeons.



Gets a block instance from its internal name.

There is also "Blocks" class for all vanilla blocks.


I found the block class but didn't find the list of static block instances that I expected in it.  But that function will be very useful.  Thank you!  :D

Developer of Doomlike Dungeons.

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