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SO, I'm going to break it down without code, fast and easy.


I'm using an AABB to detect the player standing on my block (AABB is client side only)

The tile entity from the block starts a counter and when it reaches 0 it opens a gui.

On LAN however, this gui is opened for all players because (i think) it is done client side only (i dont have that when i use like right click on a block to open it, which is both sides)

if i send a packet to the server to open the gui, the screen wont show, because it's not send client side.


Anyone got any advice ?

Or needs more info ?


Thank you very much;



	if(ownerName.equals("UNIVERSAL") && !telepadname.equals("Universal Pad")){
		this.telepadname = "Universal Pad";

	if(worldObj.isRemote){//client only
		AxisAlignedBB aabb = this.getRenderBoundingBox().copy().expand(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5);

		List<EntityPlayer> playerInAabb = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityPlayer.class, aabb);		

			if(playerInAabb.isEmpty() || !playerInAabb.contains(playerStandingOnPad)){

		for(EntityPlayer p : playerInAabb){
				if(isStandingOnPlatform == false)//check to prevent packet from spamming

				if(counter >=0)
					counter --;

			if(counter <= 0){
				if(p != null && Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen == null){
						for(int i = 0; i < p.inventory.getSizeInventory(); i++){
							if(p.inventory.getStackInSlot(i) != null && p.inventory.getStackInSlot(i).getItem() instanceof ItemPadLocations){

								ItemStack stack = p.inventory.getStackInSlot(i);//the telepad register

								//for nitwits that put in a new list from creative or trough 'cheating'
									ResetAndNotify("Damn, that's not the right TelePad Register...");

									if(p.username.equals(ownerName) || ownerName.equals("UNIVERSAL")){

										allCoords = new ArrayList<int[]>();
										allNames = new ArrayList<String>();
										allDims = new ArrayList<Integer>();

										int size = stack.getTagCompound().getInteger(ItemPadLocations.SIZE);

										for(int c =0; c < size; c++){

											int[] ray = new int[3];
											ray[0] = stack.getTagCompound().getIntArray(ItemPadLocations.LOCATION_+c)[0];
											ray[1] = stack.getTagCompound().getIntArray(ItemPadLocations.LOCATION_+c)[1];
											ray[2] = stack.getTagCompound().getIntArray(ItemPadLocations.LOCATION_+c)[2];

											String padName = stack.getTagCompound().getString("TelePadName_"+c);
											int dim = stack.getTagCompound().getInteger(ItemPadLocations.DIM_+c);


//											setMCGuiSettingToRegister(stack);
										stack.getTagCompound().setInteger("originalGUIScale", Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.guiScale);

										// ... and open gui
										//SEND a packet to open gui. openng a gui client side only will result in all players 
										//having the gui open on LAN.

										//p.openGui(mod_telepads.instance, 0, worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
								        //FMLNetworkHandler.openGui(p, mod_telepads.instance, 0, worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
										updatePlayerInPad(p.username, 0);
//											playerNameOnPad = p.username;
//											CanTeleportNow = true;

										ResetAndNotify("Oops, this is not my TelePad.");

							updatePlayerInPad(p.username ,2);
							//p.openGui(mod_telepads.instance, 2, worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
						ResetAndNotify("Damn, I forgot my TelePad Register...");


getRenderBoundingBox is client side only.

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