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hey, i updated my mod to 1.7.2, it had a armor effect function

but it doesnt work anymore


public void onArmorTickUpdate(World world, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack itemStack)


ItemStack flipper = player.getCurrentArmor(1);


if (flipper != null )


if (flipper.getItem() == armorMod.Flippers)


if (player.isInWater())


player.motionX *= 1.2;

player.motionZ *= 1.2;

player.jumpMovementFactor *= 1.2;




player.motionX *= 0.2;

player.motionZ *= 0.2;






onArmorTickUpdate was renamed to onArmorTick. Seriously people, use the @Override annotation. It's one simple line for a whole lot of error protection.


Also, the ticking armor is only called when you are wearing the item, and it's called for that item, so you don't need to getCurrentArmor or null check unless you are checking slots other than the one ticking. You can even do this:


public void onArmorTick(World world, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack) {
if (this == armorMod.Flippers) {
// do stuff

That's the beauty of non-static class methods - they can only be called with an actual object of that class, so you are always safe from null and can use "this", because the Item in question is the one calling the method.

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