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[1.7] [SOLVED] GuiContainer with scroll


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I'm trying to make a GuiContainer that can scroll the slots. It only shows 48 slots (4 rows * 12 columns) and with a scrollbar it should show the rest of the slots. Right now I have the normal Container and GuiContainer code and works. Also I have a grafic that represents the scroll bar that is dragged with the mouse. All of this works but I can't figure how to change the slots in the Container to represent the actual state.

I've been following the code of the CreativeTabs but the problem is that the creative tab doesn't store any items so they can remove and add items in the container at every scroll update. But if I do that I'm removing the content of my 'chest'.


On the MyGuiContainer in the method mouseClickMove I calculate the current scroll between 0.0 and 1.0 and call scrollTo in the MyContainer

((MyContainer) this.inventorySlots).scrollTo(this.currentScroll);


Then in MyContainer scrollTo i do that:



int i = chest.getSizeInventory() / COLUMNS - ROWS + 1;

int j = (int) ((double) (currentScroll * (float) i) + 0.5D);


if (j < 0) {

j = 0;



for (int k = 0; k < ROWS; ++k) {

for (int l = 0; l < COLUMNS; ++l) {

int i1 = l + (k + j) * COLUMNS;


if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < chest.getSizeInventory()) {

chest.setInventorySlotContents(l + k * COLUMNS, (ItemStack) chest.getStackInSlot(i1));

} else {

chest.setInventorySlotContents(l + k * COLUMNS, (ItemStack) null);






Of course the problem is the 'chest.setInventorySlotContents'. I'm actually changing the content of the chest, not only the GUI.


Is there any other way of doing this? Myabe I shouldn't base my code in the CreativeTab.

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My advice is do the work in drawScreen by just drawing the slots and contents that are in view (using the current scroll row to begin drawing). I wouldn't change the slots at all. Let the server side deal with the slot, you just draw the slots that should be visible at the time. Of course, each slot visible and x,y position would need to update on scroll. But, that's trivial.

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Thanks for the advice, that's the aproach I was looking for.

But how I draw the 'slots and contents' ???

Right know adding slots in MyContainer constructor, like all tutorials say.


add player inventory slots


add chest slots:

addSlotToContainer(new Slot(chest, i, 8 + 18 * x, 18 + 18 * y));


How can I draw dynamically the slots in MyGuiContainer? And I suppose I will need to add and remove the slots on every scroll update.


Thanks!! ;)

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The first thing to remember is not to scroll the players hotbar slots.


And, no adding and removing slots is not what you want. Add all the slots at once and give the nonvisible ones locations that are off screen at first (like you had a much bigger chest on the screen. But mark them as not visible.


Then when you scroll up or down, just walk through the slot list and update the Y values by the amount scrolled. (if you are scrolling side-to-side then adjust the X value.) Then mark the new visible slot and invisible ones. Only the visible ones will ever get a mouse-over, so they should work if you handle it properly.


What you are doing is new territory and I don't think any tutorial will cover it, so you are on your one with the code mostly. Try to handle it as a gui scroll list.

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