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[solved] [1.6.4] Projectile not rendering on multiplayer server?

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Hey guys! Sorry to post on here so soon after my last question, but if I don't get this done in the next day or so I'm worried  wont have time to work on it again for the next week or so, and I'm hoping it's a quick fix :D I have a few projectiles which render fine in a singleplayer world, but none of them render in a multiplayer environment. One of them is a vinilla entitySmallFireball, for which i get the fire effect but the actual projectile is not rendered. The entities still effect the world, which tells me they are being spawned on the server but not registered with the client. I tried using a packet to update the clients of all nearby players. I was trying to spawn the projectile on the client with the same motion information, to get it on the client side as well. The packet is being received correctly and I am reading the data from the input stream alright, but I still can't get the projectile to render. Doesn't the method sendPacketToAllAround send it to the player's clients? I read in a few places to get rid of the if(!world.isRemote) check, so I commented it out but I still can't get it to render. The prjectile extends entityThrowable. I will post the relevant code below!


Here is the code for when my projectile "spirit bolt" gets fired:




                                        Vec3 look = player.getLookVec();

                                        spiritBoltProjectile b = new spiritBoltProjectile(world, player);

                                        b.setPosition(player.posX + look.xCoord * player.getEyeHeight(), player.posY + look.yCoord * player.getEyeHeight()+1, player.posZ + look.zCoord * player.getEyeHeight());

                                        b.motionX = look.xCoord * 2;

                                        b.motionY = look.yCoord * 2;

                                        b.motionZ = look.zCoord * 2;


                                        //play sound sound here

                                      // world.playSoundAtEntity( player, random.f, par3, par4);



                                        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8);

      DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(bos);



      try {







      } catch (Exception ex) {




      Packet250CustomPayload packet = new Packet250CustomPayload("clientProjec", bos.toByteArray());

      PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToAllAround(player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ, 100, 0, packet);

      //PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToPlayer(packet, (Player)player);


      System.out.println("Packet sent");




Here is the relevant part of the packet handler:



private void updateClient(Packet250CustomPayload packet, Player player)


System.out.println("packet recieved in updateClient");

DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(packet.data));

magicPlayer props = magicPlayer.get((EntityPlayer) player);


World world= ((EntityPlayer)player).worldObj;


// Everything we read here should match EXACTLY the order in which we wrote it

// to the output stream in our ExtendedPlayer sync() method.

try {

char c= inputStream.readChar();

double x=inputStream.readDouble();

double y=inputStream.readDouble();

double z=inputStream.readDouble();



if(c == 's')


((EntityPlayer)player).addChatMessage("spirit Bolt!");

spiritBoltProjectile spb= new spiritBoltProjectile(world);

                spb.motionX = x;

                spb.motionY = y;

                spb.motionZ = z;


                //play sound sound here

              // world.playSoundAtEntity( player, random.f, par3, par4);





} catch (IOException e) {









Here is where I register the renderers, which work fine in singleplayer. The item is not actually right clicked to throw, so I created an item in my main mod class to use as the rendered texture.





        public void registerRenderers()


        EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(spiritBoltProjectile.class, "Spirit Bolt", 1, BaseClass.instance1, 64, 10, true); 

        RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(spiritBoltProjectile.class, new renderSpiritBolt(BaseClass.InrPwrSB));





Thanks to anyone who can help me! I know I ask a lot of questions on here but I always learn much more from you guys than I do searching for vague issues like this. I have searched around for solutions but nothing has helped so far D: I'm probably doing something wrong in a simple place (like my last post, whoops that was embarrassing!) so hopefully this is a quick fix! Thank you guys again!


The chat message sent in the packet handler appears by the way, so I know the packet is sending and being received ok! This is very odd, I can't find anything that works on the internet! D:


I ended up solving this! My attempt at fixing this was almost right. I had forgotten to set the projectiles position clientside after sending the packet :P Thank you guys anyway! I'm marking this as solved :D

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