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For the mod I'm working on, there are a few features I need to implement that I don't quite know how to code due to the fact that I'm still new to all of this. Some I think are simpler than others. I figure it would be better to create one topic than to create one for each question. Right now, here are a few features I'm not sure how to implement


*Armor-assisted flight

*Shoes that decrease fall damage and allow the user to step up further than .5m

*Armor-generated lighting



I'm not 100% sure about the assisted flight and lighting, but you might be able to code the shoes so that when they are crafted, they have an enchantment on them, say, Feather Falling II. The only down side to this is that you can't enchant your boots (shoes) afterward unless you use the Enchanted Books.


To do this, you'll want to put a onCreated method in the boots (shoes) class.



public void onCreated(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World world, EntityPlayer entity){

    par1ItemStack.addEnchantment(Enchantment.featherFalling, level); //where level is integer of the Enchantment level, ie 2



Hope that helps ya!


Okay, question: One of the upgrades I want to add to my armor is a pocket computer from computercraft 1.6 that is built into the helmet. the computer would always be on (unless shut down manually or the helmet is taken off) but displayed only at the press of a hotkey. because the functions in computercraft are named in numbers and not words, I'm having a difficult time understanding how to tell the computer to turn on and off under certain circumstances.

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