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I want to generate custom structures, but get one far for the other one in ocean biome.

The question is: How can i make a balanced chance to generate some structure in the world?


I make this code, it's works fine. The only problem is 2 in 500 is a very low chance to generate, so it take a lot of time to get it, and when i get it, it's generate like 3 or 4 near one of other... I know the random number generation get the same number if put in a for loop withou a little time space, but i don't think put delay in WorldGen going to be a good ideia.


Something like 1 structure over 20 or 30 chunks. But i don't know how to make this.



  public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world,

        IChunkProvider chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) {


      this.world = world;

      this.random = random;

      this.chunkX =(chunkX * 16) + random.nextInt(16);

      this.chunkZ =(chunkZ * 16) + random.nextInt(16);


      if ((world.provider.dimensionId == 0)){

        BiomeGenBase biome = world.getWorldChunkManager().getBiomeGenAt(this.chunkX, this.chunkZ);

        if (biome == BiomeGenBase.ocean){

            if (random.nextInt(500) < 2)







Exactly... take a long time to generate but when reach it, generate 3 or 4 very close... this structures are very big, so when one spawn next other then it's become a mess.


The structure generate fine... But there it is... It is a very hard mult layer maze  :P.


Some time ago, i changed the code to generate a pilar of Obsidian in the desert biome. The result is the same... very large place with just sand, like a desert... 3 or 4 pilar of obsidian very close...


Are the code running twice? I don't know... all the pilar are different, like all the mazes are different, because everything is random...


private void GenerateStructure(int Xcoord, int Ycoord, int Zcoord){
	int h = random.nextInt(BaseClass.ModLayer)+BaseClass.MinLayer;//w;
	int w = random.nextInt(BaseClass.ModWidth)+BaseClass.MinWidth;//random.nextInt(50)+10;
	int l = random.nextInt(BaseClass.ModLenght)+BaseClass.MinLenght;

	MazeGenerator generator=new MazeGenerator(h,w,l);
	boolean [][][] maze=generator.generate();

	int MultH = random.nextInt(BaseClass.ModWallHeight)+2;
	int RandomJ = random.nextInt(BaseClass.ModCellLenght)+BaseClass.MinCellLenght;
	int RandomK = random.nextInt(BaseClass.ModCellWidth)+BaseClass.MinCellWidth;

	int CurrentH = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<maze.length;i++){ 
		for (int i2=0;i2<MultH;i2++){

			int MultJ = RandomJ;
			int CurrentJ = 0;
			for(int j=0; j<maze[i].length; j++){
				for(int j2=0;j2<MultJ;j2++){

					int CurrentK = RandomK;
					int CurrentK = 0;
					for(int k=0; k<maze[i][j].length; k++){
						for (int k2=0;k2<CurrentK;k2++){
							int J = Xcoord + j + CurrentJ;
							int I = Ycoord + i + CurrentH;
							int K = Zcoord + k + CurrentK;
								world.setBlock(J, I, K, BaseClass.hardObsidian.blockID);
								FillCell(I, J, K);








My guess is the event generate() is called to fast, so the random method get the same results... just like this:

private void test(Random r){
	for (int i = 1;i<=10;i++){
		System.out.println(i + " - " + r.nextInt(100));

1 - 57
2 - 57
3 - 13
4 - 86
5 - 2
6 - 15
7 - 34
8 - 34
9 - 34
10 - 61


a delay of 100 milliseconds resolve this, but put this on World Gen... i think is a bad idea


The pilar code with ocean biome.

I move about 2min than i found 2.... move again about more 2min and found 2 again... Of course some times you find just one or with low probability to find 2.

But almost every time you find one there is another one very close.

OK you can say "decrase the chance some thing like 1000/2 or 2000/2", so it will become almost impossible to find, when you find it, you get 2...

How the villages are started? There is alot of Village class but all render the village it's self, i don't need that. I can't find where the village are called, how minecraft decide, ok, here i going to put a village.


private void GeneratePilar(){
	int h = random.nextInt(50);
	for (int i=0;i<h;i++){
		world.setBlock(chunkX, 64 + i, chunkZ, ObsidianID);





Hey  Jdb100, thanks for reply! I'm already done something similar.

Save the generation time, and increase more 20sec, then just allow other structure after 20sec.

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