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[1.6.4] When I reight click my custom fluid, it returns a water bucket

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Main Class:



public static Material materialFluidOil;



public static CreativeTabs TabTeir1 = new CreativeTabTeir1(CreativeTabs.getNextID(), "TabTeir1");



public static Block blockOilFluid;


public static Block blockGearBox1$ = new BlockGearBox1$(1507, Material.anvil).setUnlocalizedName("blockGearBox1$").setTextureName("CalateralCraft:blockGearBox");



public static Item itemBucketOil;


public static Item itemWoodenGear = new ItemGear(1500).setUnlocalizedName("itemWoodenGear").setTextureName("CalateralCraft:itemWoodenGear");

public static Item itemCobbleStoneGear = new ItemGear(1501).setUnlocalizedName("itemCobbleStoneGear").setTextureName("CalateralCraft:itemCobbleStoneGear");

public static Item itemStoneGear = new ItemGear(1502).setUnlocalizedName("itemStoneGear").setTextureName("CalateralCraft:itemStoneGear");

public static Item itemIronGear = new ItemGear(1503).setUnlocalizedName("itemIronGear").setTextureName("CalateralCraft:itemIronGear");

public static Item itemGoldGear = new ItemGear(1504).setUnlocalizedName("itemGoldGear").setTextureName("CalateralCraft:itemGoldGear");

public static Item itemDiamondGear = new ItemGear(1505).setUnlocalizedName("itemDiamondGear").setTextureName("CalateralCraft:itemDiamondGear");

public static Item itemEmeraldGear = new ItemGear(1506).setUnlocalizedName("itemEmeraldGear").setTextureName("CalateralCraft:itemEmeraldGear");



public static Fluid fluidOil;


public static final int idFluidOil = 240;



public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent e) {

FluidContainerRegistry.registerFluidContainer(new FluidContainerData(FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(fluidOil.getName(), FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME), new ItemStack(itemBucketOil), new ItemStack(Item.bucketEmpty)));





public CoreMod() {


fluidOil = new Fluid("oil").setBlockID(idFluidOil);




materialFluidOil = new MaterialLiquid(MapColor.waterColor);


blockOilFluid = new BlockFluidLiquid(idFluidOil, fluidOil).setUnlocalizedName("fluid_oil").setTextureName("CalateralCraft:fluid_oil");


itemBucketOil = new ItemBucketCore(1508, fluidOil.getBlockID()).setUnlocalizedName("oil_bucket").setMaxStackSize(1).setContainerItem(Item.bucketEmpty).setTextureName("CalateralCraft:oil_bucket");



//Block Registrys


GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockGearBox1$, "hello");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockOilFluid, "hello2");


//Crafting Recipes

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (CoreMod.itemWoodenGear, 1), new Object [] {

" X ", "X X", " X ", 'X', Item.stick



GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (CoreMod.itemCobbleStoneGear, 1), new Object [] {

" X ", "XGX", " X ", 'G', CoreMod.itemWoodenGear, 'X', Block.cobblestone



GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (CoreMod.itemStoneGear, 1), new Object [] {

" X ", "XGX", " X ", 'G', CoreMod.itemCobbleStoneGear, 'X', Block.stone



GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (CoreMod.itemIronGear, 1), new Object [] {

" X ", "XGX", " X ", 'G', CoreMod.itemStoneGear, 'X', Item.ingotIron



GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (CoreMod.itemGoldGear, 1), new Object [] {

" X ", "XGX", " X ", 'G', CoreMod.itemIronGear, 'X', Item.ingotGold



GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (CoreMod.itemDiamondGear, 1), new Object [] {

" X ", "XGX", " X ", 'G', CoreMod.itemGoldGear, 'X', Item.diamond



GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (CoreMod.itemEmeraldGear, 1), new Object [] {

" X ", "XGX", " X ", 'G', CoreMod.itemDiamondGear, 'X', Item.emerald



//Block (In-Game Name)

LanguageRegistry.addName(blockGearBox1$, "Gear Box [Teir 1]");

LanguageRegistry.addName(blockOilFluid, "Gear Box [Teir 1]");


//Item (In-Game Name)

LanguageRegistry.addName(itemWoodenGear, "Wood Gear");

LanguageRegistry.addName(itemCobbleStoneGear, "Cobblestone Gear");

LanguageRegistry.addName(itemStoneGear, "Stone Gear");

LanguageRegistry.addName(itemIronGear, "Iron Gear");

LanguageRegistry.addName(itemGoldGear, "Gold Gear");

LanguageRegistry.addName(itemDiamondGear, "Diamond Gear");

LanguageRegistry.addName(itemEmeraldGear, "Emerald Gear");


MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new FillBucketEvent(null, null, null, null));








public class BlockFluidLiquid extends BlockFluidClassic {


public BlockFluidLiquid(int id, Fluid fluid) {

super(id, fluid, Material.water);










public class ItemBucketCore extends ItemBucket {


private int liquidID;


public ItemBucketCore(int itemID, int liquidID) {

super(itemID, liquidID);



this.liquidID = liquidID;



public boolean tryPlaceContainedLiquid(World world, int x, int y, int z) {

if(liquidID <= 0) {

return false;

}else if(world.isAirBlock(x, y, z) && world.getBlockMaterial(x, y, z).isSolid()){

return false;



world.setBlock(x, y, z, liquidID, 0, 3);

return true;











public class EventFillBucketEvent {



public void whenITryToFillMyBucket(FillBucketEvent e) {

if(e.current.itemID != Item.bucketEmpty.itemID) {




ItemStack fullBucket = getLiquid(e.world, e.target);


if(fullBucket == null) return;


e.world.setBlockToAir(e.target.blockX, e.target.blockY, e.target.blockZ);

e.result = fullBucket;




private ItemStack getLiquid(World world, MovingObjectPosition pos) {

int blockID = world.getBlockId(pos.blockX, pos.blockY, pos.blockZ);

if(blockID == CoreMod.blockOilFluid.blockID) return new ItemStack(CoreMod.itemBucketOil);


return null;






Developer of MechanicalCraft.


Sadly not available to public yet :(

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