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I'm making a mod that completely redoes the Minecraft terrain generation. It places a bunch of lava on the overworld along with a whole bunch of other stuff. The issue is, none of the methods that check to see if a spot is a good place to spawn the player take lava into consideration.


I've tried making my own WorldProvider (which actually creates the spawn points) and my own dimension, but I want this dimension to be the overworld, not some alternate dimension you teleport to. (See, ultimately, all of this is a custom WorldType.) Since there's no way to tell Forge that my custom dimension needs to be the overworld, this method failed.


I've tried having an EntityJoinWorldEvent which narrows it down to only EntityPlayers and down even further to check if it's the first time this player has joined this world. Then it checks to see if the world's spawnpoint is going to kill the player or not. If it is going to kill the player, it searches frantically until it finds a nice peaceful spot NOT in lava. Then it sets THAT to the spawnpoint. (It even makes sure that all the spots around the spawnpoint that the game could possibly spawn the player are not in lava.) BUT, this isn't working either! And I don't know why!


You might say, "Give the player a temporary fire resist effect." I can't I also give the player some items when s/he first spawn in. If I did the fire resist, the items would still burn in the lava. I'm at an absolute utter loss and don't know what else to do... HELP! It should not seriously be THAT hard to change the world's spawnpoint before the player spawns in it!! Here's my code that checks if it's okay to spawn:




public class EOTEventHandler
public void onEntityJoinsWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event)
	if (event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer && event.world.getWorldInfo().getTerrainType() == EndOfTime.eotType
			&& !event.world.isRemote)
		EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.entity;
		if (event.world.getBlock(player.chunkCoordX,
				event.world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(player.chunkCoordX, player.chunkCoordZ) + 1,
				player.chunkCoordZ) != Blocks.air)
			ChunkCoordinates spawn = event.world.getSpawnPoint();
			player.posX = spawn.posX + 0.5;
			player.posY = spawn.posY;
			player.posZ = spawn.posZ + 0.5;
		ISaveHandler saveHandler = event.world.getSaveHandler();
		if (saveHandler instanceof SaveHandler)
			SaveHandler handler = (SaveHandler) saveHandler;
			String[] players = handler.getAvailablePlayerDat();
			if (players != null && players.length > 0)
				for(String str: players)
					if (str.equals(player.getCommandSenderName()))//This checks if the player has been in the world before.
						return;                                                           //It works no prob.
			ItemStack[] items = new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(Blocks.dirt, 32), new ItemStack(Blocks.sapling, 2),
					new ItemStack(Items.wheat_seeds, 4), new ItemStack(Items.bone, 2) };
			for(ItemStack itemstack: items)
				EntityItem item = player.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(itemstack, false);//This code I got from the /give
				item.delayBeforeCanPickup = 0;                                                                       //command. It works no prob.

public void generateSpawnPoint(World worldObj)
	int i = 0,k = 0;
	while (!canCoordinateBeSpawn(i, k, worldObj))
		if(i > 5000 || i < -5000 || k > 5000 || k < -5000)
			i = 0;
			k = 0;
		i += worldObj.rand.nextInt(64) - worldObj.rand.nextInt(64);
		k += worldObj.rand.nextInt(64) - worldObj.rand.nextInt(64);
	worldObj.getWorldInfo().setSpawnPosition(i, worldObj.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(i, k), k);

public boolean canCoordinateBeSpawn(int x, int z, World worldObj)
	for(int i = x-2; i < x+3; i++)
		for(int j = z-2; j < z+3; j++)
			if(worldObj.getTopBlock(i, j) != Blocks.sand || worldObj.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(i, j) <= 78)//Every block on the surface is sand. Basically
				return false;                                                                                                                     //I'm making a world-wide desert filled with lava.
	return true;



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