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[SOLVED][1.7.2]User login issues when in development environment


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I use Eclipse as my IDE, and have a Client run configruation that I just run every time I want to test my mod code.


Question #1) When it runs, I end up with a random player name "Player90243" or similar (the number changes). Is ther a way to force the run to use a proper Minecraft user login?  I'm assuming there is an argument I can put in the Run configuration?


Question #2) Most of the time (maybe 7 out of 10 times), if I load a saved game it will continue where I left off (i.e. my player is in same position as when I last played, I have all my inventory, etc.).  But the other times an error happens where it complains about not being able to cast the login handler and then I spawn in original spawn point without my stuff.  Is this a known issue?  I don't think it has anything to do with my code as it seems to be something related to the vanilla start up.  Maybe there is some sort of race condition in the code?  It happens frequently enough to be annoying.  So my question is whether this is a known issue, and whether there is a known fix.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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In your run-configurations, add the following to the 'Program Arguments':

--username <your_desired_name_here>


^^ Keep in mind, that login is not authenticated, and you will not be able to login to actual live remote servers with the development client. (although it will work if the server is set to offline mode / not authenticate)




I'm glad you bring this up, because this has been bugging me as well.  I was thinking there was something I might have not done properly in my network code, but it does seem to be related to a thread-race during startup.


So, I'm not sure if it is a 'know issue' to the forge-devs, but it is certainly a known issue amongst some of the other mod developers.

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