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Try this:


Put Texture Code in the BlockPlatOre and it should look like this EXACT:

package k3.moreMetals;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;

public class BlockPlatOre extends Block {

public BlockPlatOre() {
                setTextureName(moreMetalsMod.MODID + ":orePlatinum");


It should work that's what I used for my code


Nothing at all... .mod says that this is the mod, .block says that this is the package of blocks...



Do you put all the classes in there or just the blocks, and if you only put the blocks there, where do you put the main file?

Currently developing the More Metals Mod.


did you try my method?


Yeah,it gave me errors because there wasn't a "this." and because it was .setTextureName inestead of .setBlocTextureName

Currently developing the More Metals Mod.


If you mean like this

it's still not working.


Someone correct me if I am wrong, but textures for blocks need to be in /src/main/resources/assets/yourMODID/textures/blocks/ not just /src/main/resources.


This is the code I used for my Block

package net.net46.thesuperhb.MobDrops.Block;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.net46.thesuperhb.MobDrops.MobDrops;

public class BlockGrill extends Block
public BlockGrill(Material p_i45394_1_) {
	setBlockTextureName(MobDrops.MODID + ":beta"); //Texture :BlockGrill



Nope, still not working, could it be that my main thing is in the same package (k3.moremetals.mod.block) as the BlockPlatOre? If it is the problem where should I put it? Here's another screenshot: 

Currently developing the More Metals Mod.


Oooohhhhh... I can't believe I didn't realize that you were talking about the "moreMetals" and not the "modid"


But now it's not letting me refactor the k3.moreMetals.mod.block and the assets and stuff to moremetals, it's just telling me that it caught an exception and that a resource exists with a different case.

Currently developing the More Metals Mod.


YES!!!! It worked! Thank you! Now I guess I have to make a class that extends item for my chunk platinum and do sort of the same thing. Thanks again. Oh and where do I put my main mod file (moreMetalsMod.java)?

Currently developing the More Metals Mod.




Can you be more specific?

Seriously? You want Diesieben07 to name your package for you? Ughh


No, I just don't know what he means by "my/awesome/package/name", but I think I figured it out.

Currently developing the More Metals Mod.

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