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Accessing world file


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The mod I'm working on currently needs a data file to be saved. I am using .json and have no problems with that.


My problem is saving it properly.


To save the file I need to get a Java File object pointing at <minecraftdir>\saves\<worldname>\data\myFile.dat.


I can have generated a file pointing to the saves folder of the current minecraft directory, and this code works.

public static final File SAVES_DIRECTORY = new File(Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir, "/saves");


However, when attempting to get to the data folder, I've run into a hitch.


With world w, I can make the call


to (theoretically) get the name of the world, and can use this to access the correct directory.


But instead of returning the name of my world save, the above snippet is returning "MpServer".


TLDR; So my question is, what is the best way to access the data folder inside of the save folder for a world?

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Yep! Works like a charm! Thank you!


FILE_PATH = new File(DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory().toPath() + "/data/commandblocksigns.json");


Just have to make sure this is called when the world is open. (obviously.)

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