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Hello i wanna make a modded server for me and my friends and the game is crashing when i use items that pop-up and UI and we cannot place modded blocks. Here is the video i take so it's more easy for you guys to see. Help please! Thanks
The thought process for this would be checking the EnderMan class, as its not behaviour intrinsecally connected to the item but rather the enderman: The EnderMan.isLookingAtMeMethod should return false when a player is wearing your armour piece. In that method you can see a call to ForgeHooks.shouldSuppressEnderManAnger() which uses an ItemStack of the object on the players head. This uses IForgeItem's isEnderMask method that brings you to: default boolean isEnderMask(ItemStack stack, Player player, EnderMan endermanEntity) { return stack.getItem() == Blocks.CARVED_PUMPKIN.asItem(); } which means you can override it on your armour item (since all item classes extend from IForgeItem, including ArmorItem from which you will most likely want to extend from) As for the second thing you'll most likely need to get creative: Using levitation can work if you want to make it floaty, but you most likely want to make it work as if the player is walking on air. I'd suggest something along the lines of checking the block immediately in the direction the player is facing, and if its air, place a transparent, solid block the player will walk on. As the player walks in some arbitrarry direction, keep checking to generate blocks in their path as well as deleting the ones left behind/in any direction the player isn't looking at. You will have to get *even more creative* to think how can you implement it as for only the armour user can stand on air (placing a solid block will make anyone be able to stand on it regardless of if wearing the armour or not) So yeah. First thing pretty straightforward, second one youll have to make your own idea around it.
I have setup a 1.12.2 forge server occasionally it throws a '[Server thread/WARN] [minecraft/MinecraftServer]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2316ms behind, skipping 46 tick(s)' and a ram usage spike I have 32gb of ram installed in my pc and on a vanilla server l would normally just make a run.bat file but it is not working When I launch the run.bat C:\Users\Max\Desktop\1.12.2 server>java -Xmx4G -Xms4G -jar minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar nogui C:\Users\Max\Desktop\1.12.2 server>PAUSE Press any key to continue . . . The run.bat file contains java -Xmx4G -Xms4G -jar minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar nogui PAUSE Any advice would be appreciated
By KetchupSticks · Posted
I'm opening the forge 1.8.9 installer properly I click install with the client option selected, it says it installs properly but when I go into my files and also when I go into the minecraft launcher, it's just not there. JVM info: Oracle Corporation - 1.8.0_431 - 25.431-b10 java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true Found java version 1.8.0_431 Considering minecraft client jar Considering library net.minecraftforge:forge:1.8.9- Not Downloading {Wrong Side} Considering library net.minecraft:launchwrapper:1.12: Not Downloading {Wrong Side} Considering library org.ow2.asm:asm-all:5.0.3: Not Downloading {Wrong Side} Considering library jline:jline:2.13: Not Downloading {Wrong Side} Considering library com.typesafe.akka:akka-actor_2.11:2.3.3 Considering library com.typesafe:config:1.2.1 Considering library org.scala-lang:scala-actors-migration_2.11:1.1.0 Considering library org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:2.11.1 Considering library org.scala-lang.plugins:scala-continuations-library_2.11:1.0.2 Considering library org.scala-lang.plugins:scala-continuations-plugin_2.11.1:1.0.2 Considering library org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.11.1 Considering library org.scala-lang:scala-parser-combinators_2.11:1.0.1 Considering library org.scala-lang:scala-reflect:2.11.1 Considering library org.scala-lang:scala-swing_2.11:1.0.1 Considering library org.scala-lang:scala-xml_2.11:1.0.2 Considering library lzma:lzma:0.0.1: Not Downloading {Wrong Side} Considering library net.sf.jopt-simple:jopt-simple:4.6: Not Downloading {Wrong Side} Considering library java3d:vecmath:1.5.2 Considering library net.sf.trove4j:trove4j:3.0.3 Extracting: /forge-1.8.9- To: C:\Users\Ian\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.8.9-\forge-1.8.9- That's the installer log and I have no idea if anything is wrong. -
https://mclo.gs/NQ786zI I don’t understand what I need to do.
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