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Errors in Eclipse Workshop, where did I go wrong?


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Good evening,


Tried to set up a new workspace in Eclipse and I got the following two error messages.  I searched for answers on the various Eclipse websites but the answers all involved Andriod, not Minecraft, so I figured I'd ask the Minecraft experts.


First Error: The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for java.lang.CharSequence. Fix the build path then try building this project Minecraft


Second Error:  The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files


I am using the latest Forge and I have Minecraft 1.7.10.  If you need more information, just let me know what and I will provide it.



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... What did you do to set up your workspace?


Initially I followed the Workshop setup instructions on the Minecraft Wiki found here -> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Mods/Creating_mods/Setting_up_the_MCP_workspace then saw the giant "Not valid with current game version" note at the top, so I followed Wuppy's Tutorial for 1.7 found  on this site's wiki.


I have the feeling I am going to have to uninstall everything and start over, aren't I?

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This might be a silly question, but which Forge?  The installer, the SCR or the Javadoc; because I have been told three different things from modder friends.  And if I ran the installer previously to install mods, will that cause a problem when I run the command prompt?


I know, silly questions, but (again) I have been told multiple things and I don't want to screw up my computer anymore than I probably have done all ready.


Thank you, by the way.

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Received error message "Failure: Build failed with an exception.  Execution failed for tast ';makeStart'.  A Problem occurred starting process 'command 'javac''


Any ideas?


I am sorry I keep pestering you.

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I fixed the Path and ran the prompt again.  It took about 12 minutes but there were no errors.  However, when I open Eclipse I get the following errors again:


Description Resource Path Location Type

The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for java.lang.CharSequence. Fix the build path then try building this project Minecraft Unknown Java Problem


Description Resource Path Location Type

The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files ExampleMod.java /Minecraft/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod line 1 Java Problem


The errors appear to be attached to the Example Mod, however the src file only has one empty folder called main.


Any thoughts?

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I'll give you the run down.


First I downloaded and installed the latest JDK for 64 bit Windows, which I have.  I added the address to the JDK bin to my environment variables path.  I downloaded Eclipse and extracted it in a new folder in my My Documents folder.


I then created a new folder for Forge on my desk top and extracted the latest Forge into it.  I ran the prompt you mentioned and placed the address to the eclipse folder into that new folder into Eclipse's workspace prompt.


Long before all of this, though, I had downloaded the latest Minecraft Coder Pack and run the two .bat files mentioned in the Mods/Creating Mods Tutorial (link to which posted earlier).  I had been told to follow the instructions found there by a friend who mods Minecraft and Skyrim.


Running Eclipse after following those instructions, however, revealed most of the necessary folders and files missing.  It was then that I noticed the note on the webpage that said the instructions were no longer valid for the current version of Minecraft.

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The original instructions I followed where found here -> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Mods/Creating_mods/Setting_up_the_MCP_workspace


The steps I followed boil down to this:


"Create a new folder (Folder 1) wherever you would like to have all of your modding workspaces. Create a new folder (Folder 2) in this folder to store your mods.  Unpack the MCP folder in Folder 1.  Back up your minecraft 'bin' file.  Copy the "bin" and "resources" folders, open the "jars" folder inside Folder 2 and paste the copies.


Downloand Modloader, install it into the "Jar" of Folder 2.  Delete the META-INF folder (This step I skipped, as I all ready had Forge on my computer and was told I did not need Modloader if I had Forge)


Download the minecraft_server.jar from the Minecraft Website into the jar of Folder 2.  Run the udpatemcp.bat file found in Folder 2.  Type "yes" if you wish to run an update.  Press any key to continue.  Next, run the "decompile.bat" file.  When completed, press any key to continue / close window."



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I am still receiving the same errors and the scr/main folder is still empty.


I am going to delete the Forge folder and the Folder 1 created earlier, reboot my computer, download a fresh Forge package from the website and try again.  I will let you know if I still get the errors after that.

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Many thanks for all your help.  I deleted the unneeded folder and extracted from fresh downloads of both Eclipse and Forge and there are no more errors.


I appreciate all the time you took to help me!  Thank you

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