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I was able to find the getSmeltingList(), but I cannot get it to call the remove method from the list. I have ran the following init method.


    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event)
	GameRegistry.addSmelting(Blocks.coal_ore, new ItemStack(Items.coal, 1),0);
	GameRegistry.addSmelting(Blocks.iron_ore, new ItemStack(Items.iron_ingot, 1),0);
	GameRegistry.addSmelting(Blocks.gold_ore, new ItemStack(Items.gold_ingot, 1),0);
	GameRegistry.addSmelting(Blocks.diamond_ore, new ItemStack(Items.diamond, 1),0);
	GameRegistry.addSmelting(Blocks.redstone_ore, new ItemStack(Items.redstone, 4),0);



I'm sorry, but I am still not following. What I am wanting to do is just remove the recipe, and re-create it. Personally I feel as this is the way that I will want to go with it, as it seems simpler in my head. I noticed that they created a Map equaling a new HashMap. I am able to remove crafting recipes just fine by adding a generic to a List, and then calling a while loop to see if it finds the output of the recipes. Is there a way to do the same method with furnace recipes? I have not been able to find much about removing them in 1.7.2.


Ok, I have found the map and method that adds the XP to the output. (Map experienceList)


Just to be sure, from here I have to modify the entry in the Map from a separate class? If so, how would I go about setting the float for the output in the method to 0?

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