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Hey people,

Recently I've started to work on custom armor slots, now those aren't the problem. However the problem is that I can't seem to find any tuts or documentation on how to render the armor pieces in these custom slots onto the player.

Perhaps any of you guys and galls know where to look?


Yeah I noticed 1.6.4 isn't supported anymore, I have tried to update to 1.7 but I rather keep developing my mod in 1.6.4 as I feel more comfortable with it. Thanks for the event though, I'll mess around with it and see if I can get the rendering to work.


yeah just as i thought, I've made the check if the specific instance of the item class is in the custom inv but I have no idea where to start for rendering it on the actual player. I changed my model to extend ModelBiped instead, and I was thinking of using the body model of model biped and just add in the 2 box parts of my model as a child to the body.


but I can't see this work at all, help please?

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