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What I did:

New install of openjdk, tested, works.

Brand new downloaded today 1.3.2 minecraft_server.jar, tested, works.

Install forge (copy all files into jar, NOT deleteing META-INF)



Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

        at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.showWindow(FMLRelauncher.java:68)

        at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.relaunchServer(FMLRelauncher.java:117)

        at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.handleServerRelaunch(FMLRelauncher.java:33)

        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.main(MinecraftServer.java:1258)




What I tried:

- redid the setup process to make sure I didnt screw it up.

- searched forums for similar problem, found one exept his error also had a mention of 'makeheadless' is there a command line switch I need?

suggested for him  http://files.minecraftforge.net/fmllibs/fml_libs.zip into jardirectory/libs, this did nothing.

This is a minimal install with no xwindows. Vanilla works fine but I'm guessing I'm missing something forge needs and I cant seem to find any documentation on what I need.


EDIT: Forge 4.1.1 downloaded from release thread just today.

EDIT 2: Found another thread about the same problem on linux (Exept I dont have the fontconfig error, and his still had that 'makeheadless' line I dont have) his solution was 'install sun java' yea on FreeBSD thats not so simple, FreeBSD project isnt doing ports of sun java past 1.6  I'm currently trying to install the freebsd linux compatability layer but im watching the port install and its litterally downloading and installing an entire linux system, if this even works, running through an emulation later like that...not gonna be all that performant. That other thread implyed it was an openjdk problem which may mean I'm just SOL.


Alright got it working, nice thing about *nix users, we'll fight with stuff till it works. :P Heres a quick synopsys.


So for BSD theres 5 java's for 6/7 I've tried 4:

  • Sun JDK 6 - not attempted
  • OpenJDK 7 - Open source implentation, runs nativly,this is the one causing the initial error
  • Sun JDK 7 - in theory can be done, with the linux emulation layer which actually installs an entire linux directory tree, which makes pathing a nightmare and I had library path/source path issues.
  • Diablo JDK 6 - This is the freebsd port of suns java 1.6, runs nativly, this almost worked, there was another error that I also got in openjdk 6, a crypto problem which was solved with -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/random, and then ran into another error about a missing library Which turned out to be me having the minimap mod on the server, it would probably work
  • OpenJDK 6 - Open source implementation, runs nativly This is the one that I'm using now and seems to work just fine once i took the minimap mod


Modmix: BC3+IC2+Forestry although all of my testing before diablo was just vanilla+forge, in diablo, that worked so i threw mods at it and it exploded due to minimap mod.


FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE #0: GENERIC  amd64


On FreeBSD 9 it's runs with with Forge #275.


You need to install two packages: openjdk7 and xorg-fonts-truetype


Then the server starts with:

java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui


I hope that this helps you out.

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