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How to get a nice name for a block?


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Hi all, I'm using 1.7.10 and latest forge and I'm trying to get the nice name (like WAILA would show to the player) of any block. I have tried this:


String name = block.getLocalizedName();


and this:


String name = new ItemStack(block).getDisplayName();


Both pieces of code work and give me nice names for some of the blocks. I get "Stirling Generator" for a stirling generator from EnderIO for example. However, for some blocks it doesn't work. EnderIO conduits give me 'tile.blockConduitBundle.name' instead of 'Energy Conduit' which WAILA shows me.


So how can I achieve what WAILA does and give me a good name for any block in the game?





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You can use StatCollector.translateToLocal() to localized the name.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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Show how you're using it. Preferably the whole method you use that class in.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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    public void drawScreen(int xSize_lo, int ySize_lo, float par3) {
        super.drawScreen(xSize_lo, ySize_lo, par3);
        GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
        int k = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2;
        int l = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2;

        this.drawTexturedModalRect(k, l, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize);

//        this.drawVerticalLine(k + 15, l, l + 100, 0x334455);

        int y = 0;
        HashMap<Coordinate,BlockInfo> connectedBlocks = monitorItem.getConnectedBlocks();
        for (Map.Entry<Coordinate,BlockInfo> me : connectedBlocks.entrySet()) {
            Block block = me.getValue().getBlock();
            Coordinate coordinate = me.getKey();
            ItemStack s = new ItemStack(block, 1, 0);
            String lname = block.getLocalizedName();
            System.out.println("I18n = " + I18n.format(lname));
            System.out.println("Stat = " + StatCollector.translateToLocal(lname));

            mc.fontRenderer.drawString(s.getDisplayName(), k + 5, l + 5 + y, 1677215);
            mc.fontRenderer.drawString(coordinate.toString(), k+160, l+5+y, 1677215);

            y += mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 2;

        this.drawGradientRect(k + xSize-20, l + 5, k + xSize-5, l + ySize - 5, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00);

        mc.fontRenderer.drawString("###", k + 15, l, 0x334455);
//        this.drawVerticalLine(k+15, l, l + 50, -9408400);


The s.getDisplayName() is what I'm currently using as that gives the best result. But nothing of the above methods manages to give a nice name for the EnderIO energy conduits.




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I looked at the EnderIO github and in the en_US.lang file, instead of the reguler tile.*.name, they have enderio.*.name. That's the reason it doesn't work. Try using the block.getLocalizedName method.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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If any of the blocks in your map are sub-blocks (blocks with instance-based metadata other than 0), then your method will not work at all on them.

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If any of the blocks in your map are sub-blocks (blocks with instance-based metadata other than 0), then your method will not work at all on them.


Ok, but what should I do then? I know it is possible because WAILA shows a good name in its tooltip.

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If any of the blocks in your map are sub-blocks (blocks with instance-based metadata other than 0), then your method will not work at all on them.


Ok, but what should I do then? I know it is possible because WAILA shows a good name in its tooltip.

WAILA uses the (ItemStack) result of getPickedBlock and gets its name. The enderIO conduit blocks are never normally obtainable, so they do not have proper names for the block instances themselves, only the items you get when crafting or breaking them. The same applies, for example, to RotaryCraft blocks and TE conduits.

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Ok, that didn't seem to work. I couldn't find a getPickedBlock function but I found Item.getItemForBlock() which seems to be what I need. This gives as result:


            Item itemDropped = Item.getItemFromBlock(block);
            System.out.println("itemDropped.getUnlocalizedName() = " + itemDropped.getUnlocalizedName());
            System.out.println("new ItemStack(itemDropped).getDisplayName() = " + new ItemStack(itemDropped).getDisplayName());


This gives as output for an EnderIO item conduit:


itemDropped.getUnlocalizedName() = tile.blockConduitBundle
new ItemStack(itemDropped).getDisplayName() = tile.blockConduitBundle.name


So that's still not what I'm looking for.



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Ok, that didn't seem to work. I couldn't find a getPickedBlock function but I found Item.getItemForBlock() which seems to be what I need. This gives as result:


            Item itemDropped = Item.getItemFromBlock(block);
            System.out.println("itemDropped.getUnlocalizedName() = " + itemDropped.getUnlocalizedName());
            System.out.println("new ItemStack(itemDropped).getDisplayName() = " + new ItemStack(itemDropped).getDisplayName());


This gives as output for an EnderIO item conduit:


itemDropped.getUnlocalizedName() = tile.blockConduitBundle
new ItemStack(itemDropped).getDisplayName() = tile.blockConduitBundle.name


So that's still not what I'm looking for.




Block has a getPickBlock function. Item.getItemForBlock() returns the same thing as you have already been trying.

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I'm a bit confused about the parameters for this function though:


        block.getPickBlock(MovingPositionTarget target, World world, int x, int y, int z)


What exactly is MovingPositionTarget in this context?

That represents the block you centered your crosshairs on. It's like a vector from your eyes to the block. This function would not be helpful for enumerating all the block names, but it is great for what Waila does. You could examine the code and see how it works, as that may help.

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The base Block.getPickBlock() simply ignores the target and coordinate parameters and just calls Item.getItemFromBlock(block). I suspect that EnderIO conduit blocks will override this to provide the correct item instead. So that means I have to go with getPickBlock to ensure I have the correctly overridden method. I'll try to come up with good/working target,x,y,z parameters.



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The base Block.getPickBlock() simply ignores the target and coordinate parameters and just calls Item.getItemFromBlock(block). I suspect that EnderIO conduit blocks will override this to provide the correct item instead. So that means I have to go with getPickBlock to ensure I have the correctly overridden method. I'll try to come up with good/working target,x,y,z parameters.



Use mov.blockX, mov.blockY, and mov.blockZ.

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I still haven't been able to solve this problem. No matter what I do. But I do think that I'm going at this totally wrong now. The Block instance of which I'm trying to get the name is actually just a generic block from EnderIO which is meant to hold conduits (since you can combine multiple conduits in a single block with EnderIO). I'm getting this block using world.getBlock(x,y,z) so that's just a static block which has no knowledge about what conduits are actually inside it since that's not what a Block is supposed to hold. I suspect the actual data of what conduits are inside it is stored elsewhere. Perhaps NBT data or tile entity or so but I'm not certain where that would be and how to get the correct name from that then. Any ideas?


I actually have a similar problem with Thermal Expansion energy cells. The block that I get from world.getBlock() seems to be a generic energy cell for which the returned name is always 'Creative Energy Cell' even though it is not a creative energy cell. I again suspect the actual type of the energy cell is stored elsewhere.


This problem is now actually worsened because in the GUI of my mod I also try to render the block and this hits me with the same problems.


Thanks for all suggestions you can give me here.


Edit: I partially fixed the issue for the energy cell by using the world.getBlockMetadata() and give that to the itemstack before calling getDisplayName(). Now the name of the energy cell is correct but this didn't help for the EnderIO conduits.

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I still haven't been able to solve this problem. No matter what I do. But I do think that I'm going at this totally wrong now. The Block instance of which I'm trying to get the name is actually just a generic block from EnderIO which is meant to hold conduits (since you can combine multiple conduits in a single block with EnderIO). I'm getting this block using world.getBlock(x,y,z) so that's just a static block which has no knowledge about what conduits are actually inside it since that's not what a Block is supposed to hold. I suspect the actual data of what conduits are inside it is stored elsewhere. Perhaps NBT data or tile entity or so but I'm not certain where that would be and how to get the correct name from that then. Any ideas?


I actually have a similar problem with Thermal Expansion energy cells. The block that I get from world.getBlock() seems to be a generic energy cell for which the returned name is always 'Creative Energy Cell' even though it is not a creative energy cell. I again suspect the actual type of the energy cell is stored elsewhere.


This problem is now actually worsened because in the GUI of my mod I also try to render the block and this hits me with the same problems.


Thanks for all suggestions you can give me here.


Edit: I partially fixed the issue for the energy cell by using the world.getBlockMetadata() and give that to the itemstack before calling getDisplayName(). Now the name of the energy cell is correct but this didn't help for the EnderIO conduits.

Fetching the TileEntity will likely give you additional data, but that would require special casing every one.

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To figure out how to approach this, you need to find where the names you want are actually associated.  Look in the lang file to find the names you want to display.  Then it is simply a matter of getting there from your code. If the item has the name and you have a block then you'd find the item for the block, and so on.  If they're hardcoding it somewhere outside the lang file then find that and figure out how to get there.


Basically, for the names you want to display where are they currently in lang file or code?

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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You may be able to do it for EnderIO conduits if you use tile entities' NBT, you'll have to do an if statement for every case but it might work. See EnderIO code to see how it stores it, or simply use an NBT explorer to see how EnderIO does the conduits in a world.

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