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[1.7.2] Half Slab Help


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Hello all,


I've been working on a small mod to add some blocks into the game. Currently, I'm adding 16 color variations of Stone, Stone Bricks, Stone Brick Stairs, Stone Slabs, and Stone Brick Slabs. I have everything but the slabs working properly. I've been doing some research and can't really find anything that actually works. The slabs are in game and in my creative tab. However, there's a version for each single slab and each double slab. There's also no textures for them. They also do not stack properly.


My git repo is located here, incase you need to look at more code that I haven't posted.


Block Slab Class:



package com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.blocks;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;

import com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.creativetabs.CreativeTabSB;

public class BlockSlabSB extends BlockSlab {

private IIcon[] sideIcons;

// Constructors
public BlockSlabSB(boolean p_IsDoubleSlab, Material p_Material) {
	super(p_IsDoubleSlab, p_Material);
	this.sideIcons = new IIcon[2];


public String func_150002_b(int var1) {

	return this.getUnlocalizedName();

public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister p_Registry)
	if (this.getUnlocalizedName() == null)
	if (this.getUnlocalizedName().contains("bricks"))
		this.sideIcons[0] = p_Registry.registerIcon("swervishblocks:" + this.getUnlocalizedName());
		this.sideIcons[1] = p_Registry.registerIcon("swervishblocks:" + this.getUnlocalizedName());
		this.sideIcons[0] = p_Registry.registerIcon("swervishblocks:" + this.getUnlocalizedName() + "side");
		this.sideIcons[1] = p_Registry.registerIcon("swervishblocks:" + this.getUnlocalizedName() + "top");

public IIcon getIcon(int side, int metadata)
	if (side == 0 || side == 1)
		return this.sideIcons[0];
	return this.sideIcons[1];





Item Slab Class



package com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.items;

import com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.creativetabs.CreativeTabSB;
import com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.init.ModBlocks;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab;

public class ItemSlabSB extends ItemSlab {

public ItemSlabSB(Block p_Block) {
	super(p_Block, ModBlocks.findSlab(p_Block.getUnlocalizedName().replaceAll("double", "single")), 
			ModBlocks.findSlab(p_Block.getUnlocalizedName().replaceAll("single", "double")), false);





BlockFactory Class



package com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.blocks;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.creativetabs.CreativeTabSB;
import com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.init.ModBlocks;
import com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.items.ItemSlabSB;
import com.bkrenz.swervishblocks.reference.Dyes;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;

public class BlockFactory {

 * Create a new block, as well as stairs if necessary
 * @param p_Name Block Name
 * @param p_Material Block Material
 * @param p_HasStair Is there a stair variant?
 * @return Newly create blocks
public static ArrayList<Block> createBlock(String p_Name, Material p_Material, boolean p_HasStair)
	ArrayList<Block> l_NewBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>();

	// Create new block
	System.out.println("Creating block " + p_Name);
	BlockSB l_Block = new BlockSB(p_Material);
	l_Block.setBlockTextureName("swervishblocks:" + p_Name);
	GameRegistry.registerBlock(l_Block, p_Name);

	// Add recipes for the blocks
	if (p_Name.contains("bricks")){
		GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(l_Block, , new Object[]{ 
			"AAA", "ABA", "AAA", 'A', Blocks.stonebrick, 'B', new ItemStack(Items.dye, 1, getColor(p_Name))});
		GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(l_Block, 4), new Object[]{ 
			"AA", "AA", 'A', ModBlocks.findBlock(p_Name.replace("bricks", ""))});
		if (!p_Name.contains("bricks"))
			p_Name += "bricks";
		GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(l_Block, , new Object[]{ 
			"AAA", "ABA", "AAA", 'A', Blocks.stone, 'B', new ItemStack(Items.dye, 1, getColor(p_Name)) });

	// If block has stair variants, create stairs
	if (p_HasStair)
		BlockStairs l_Stairs = new BlockStairsSB(l_Block, 0);
		l_Stairs.setBlockTextureName("swervishblocks:" + p_Name);
		l_Stairs.setBlockName(p_Name + "stairs");
		GameRegistry.registerBlock(l_Stairs, p_Name + "stairs");

		// Add the recipes for stairs
		GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(l_Stairs, , new Object[]{ 
			"AAA", "ABA", "AAA", 'A', Blocks.stone_brick_stairs, 'B', new ItemStack(Items.dye, 1, getColor(p_Name))});
		GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(l_Stairs, 4), new Object[]{ 
			"A  ", "AA ", "AAA", 'A', l_Block});
		GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(l_Stairs, 4), new Object[]{ 
			"  A", " AA", "AAA", 'A', l_Block});

	// Return
	return l_NewBlocks;

 * Creates colored blocks of the known input specifications
 * @param p_Name Block Name
 * @param p_Material Block Material
 * @param p_HasStair Is there a stair variation of this block?
 * @return List of new blocks
public static ArrayList<Block> createColoredBlock(String p_Name, Material p_Material, boolean p_HasStair)
	ArrayList<Block> l_NewBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>();

	// Iterate through all colors
	for (String color: Dyes.DYE_COLOR_LIST)
		l_NewBlocks.addAll(createBlock(color + p_Name, p_Material, p_HasStair));

	return l_NewBlocks;

 * Create a slab using the 
 * @param p_Name
 * @param p_Material
 * @return
public static ArrayList<BlockSlabSB> createBlockSlab(String p_Name, Material p_Material)
	ArrayList<BlockSlabSB> l_NewBlocks = new ArrayList<BlockSlabSB>();

	// Create the single slab
	BlockSlabSB l_SingleSlab = new BlockSlabSB(false, p_Material);
	l_SingleSlab.setBlockName(p_Name + "single");

	// Create the double slab
	BlockSlabSB l_DoubleSlab = new BlockSlabSB(true, p_Material);
	l_DoubleSlab.setBlockName(p_Name + "double");

	// Create ItemSlab
	GameRegistry.registerBlock(l_SingleSlab, ItemSlabSB.class, p_Name + "single");
	GameRegistry.registerBlock(l_DoubleSlab, ItemSlabSB.class, p_Name + "double");

	return l_NewBlocks;

public static ArrayList<BlockSlabSB> createColoredSlabs(String p_Name, Material p_Material)
	ArrayList<BlockSlabSB> l_NewBlocks = new ArrayList<BlockSlabSB>();

	// Iterate through all colors
	for (String color: Dyes.DYE_COLOR_LIST)
		l_NewBlocks.addAll(createBlockSlab(color + p_Name, p_Material));

	return l_NewBlocks;

 * Find a color's metadata based on name
 * @param p_Input
 * @return color's metadat
public static int getColor(String p_Input)
	for (String color: Dyes.DYE_COLOR_LIST)
		if (p_Input.contains(color))
			return Arrays.asList(Dyes.DYE_COLOR_LIST).indexOf(color);
	return 0;






A lot of this has been patched together and is going to be cleaned, commented, and reorganized when it's working.

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