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[1.7.10] Modify vanilla base classes


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There is something that I'd like to do but there are no forge hooks for. Is it possible to tell forge to replace something in vanilla class to my own liking? Or maybe replace the whole class?

I'd still like to get the functionality of forge but still be able to perform what isn't possible in forge.

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Is it absolutely necessary to change something already in the game? Can you get most of what you want by adding something new instead? What is your goal anyway?

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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i have something that may help

Block.blocksList[78] = null;
	Block snow = (new BlockSnow1(78)).setHardness(0.1F).setStepSound(Block.soundSnowFootstep).setUnlocalizedName("snow").setLightOpacity(0).setTextureName("snow");
	/* At last we have to register it. */
	GameRegistry.registerBlock(snow, "Snow");
	LanguageRegistry.addName(snow, "Snow");

that code sets the vanilla block snow to null and adds your own block in its place

Its best to only ask questions when you did most of the work yourself.

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Before you change something in vanilla you should first consider whether you can accomplish what you need with the following:


1. Check for public methods in the vanilla classes.  For example you can completely overwrite the AI for vanilla entities by accessing their tasks and targetTasks because these are public methods.  Attack damage, movement speed and so on can be changed.  I'm not certain because I haven't tried by i think you can probably register your own models and renderers by accessing the registry.  Anyway, look for this type of stuff because it is directly modifiable with standard Java because that is what public fields and methods are for.


2. Check for events that can be used.  These are Forge hooks and allow you to cancel (and replace with your own code) all sorts of functionality that is commonly of interest to modders.  If you don't want a certain entity to spawn you can intercept the living spawn events, if you want to render something differently you can intercept the render events, you want them to drop different stuff you can intercept the drops events.


3.  Java reflection.  This is easier than it sounds and allows you to access private fields and methods.  You can modify private fields, but you cannot modify methods.  Anyway, this opens up a whole bunch more stuff you can do.


4. ASM Access transformers.  This is an actual replacement of functional code.  Look it up, but it creates a lot of possibilities.


With the combination of the above powerful approaches, it is very rare that you need to actually modify base classes or "core" code.



Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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