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[Solved][1.7.10] Entity Cannot be Interacted With

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EDIT: I've solved the problem now. If you have a similar problem, see my comment below.


I'm trying to add a custom entity to my mod, and it's supposed to perform an action when right clicked by the player while holding a specific item. However, for some reason the game doesn't think the entity exists as far as right clicking goes. I've tried using EntityInteractEvent, which works for vanilla entities but not mine, as well as Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver.entityHit, which has similar results. I've also tried overriding interactFirst() in my entity's class, which does absolutely nothing.


The entity is an artillery cannon, and the item is a pair of binoculars which sets the target coordinates for the cannon. My two theories are that either (A) the entity's bounding box is in the wrong place or nonexistent, or (B) the entity is not registered properly so the game ignores it. Any ideas as to what could be causing this and how to fix it?





package com.nerdboy64.sg2;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class EntityArtillery extends Entity {

public static final double artilleryMuzzleVelocity = 500.0;
public static final double gravity = -9.81;

public int targetX, targetY, targetZ;

public static final String NBT_COORD_X = "coord_x";
public static final String NBT_COORD_Y = "coord_y";
public static final String NBT_COORD_Z = "coord_z";

public EntityArtillery(World world) {

	this.boundingBox.setBounds(posX - 1, posY - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posY + 1, posZ + 1);

public EntityArtillery(World world, double posX, double posY, double posZ){
	this.posX = posX;
	this.posY = posY;
	this.posZ = posZ;


protected void entityInit() {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub


protected void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
	targetX = nbt.getInteger(NBT_COORD_X);
	targetY = nbt.getInteger(NBT_COORD_Y);
	targetZ = nbt.getInteger(NBT_COORD_Z);

protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
	nbt.setInteger(NBT_COORD_X, targetX);
	nbt.setInteger(NBT_COORD_Y, targetY);
	nbt.setInteger(NBT_COORD_Z, targetZ);

public boolean updateLaunchAngle(int x, int y, int z){
	targetX = x;
	targetY = y;
	targetZ = z;

	double xDist = x - posX;
	double yDist = y - posY;
	double zDist = z - posZ;
	double hDist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDist, 2) + Math.pow(zDist, 2));
	double vSquared = Math.pow(artilleryMuzzleVelocity, 2);

	this.rotationYaw = (float)Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(xDist, zDist));

	double d = Math.pow(vSquared, 2) - gravity * (gravity * Math.pow(hDist, 2) + 2 * yDist * vSquared);
	if(d < 0) return false;

	double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(vSquared - Math.sqrt(d) / (gravity * hDist)));
	this.rotationPitch = (float) angle;

	return true;

public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox(){
	return boundingBox;

public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBox(Entity entity){
	return entity.getBoundingBox();

public float getCollisionBorderSize(){
	return 2.0F;





Relevant parts of main mod class:



    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event){
    //lots of unrelated stuff happens

    int artilleryEntityID = EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId();
    	EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityArtillery.class, "artillery", artilleryEntityID, this, 64, 1, false);





package com.nerdboy64.sg2.items;

import java.util.List;

import com.nerdboy64.sg2.EntityArtillery;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText;
import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class ItemBinoculars extends Item {
public static final String NBT_COORD_X = "coord_x";
public static final String NBT_COORD_Y = "coord_y";
public static final String NBT_COORD_Z = "coord_z";

public ItemBinoculars(){

public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack stack, World world, EntityPlayer player){
	NBTTagCompound nbt = stack.getTagCompound();
	if(nbt == null) nbt = stack.stackTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();

	if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver.typeOfHit == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.ENTITY){
		player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver.entityHit.getClass().getName()));
		if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver.entityHit instanceof EntityArtillery){
			player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Selected an artillery thing."));
			return stack;

	Vec3 origin = Vec3.createVectorHelper(player.posX, player.posY + player.getEyeHeight(), player.posZ);
	Vec3 look = player.getLookVec().normalize();

	look = Vec3.createVectorHelper(look.xCoord * 100 + origin.xCoord, look.yCoord * 100 + origin.yCoord, look.zCoord * 100 + origin.zCoord);

	MovingObjectPosition mop = world.rayTraceBlocks(origin, look);

	if(mop != null && mop.typeOfHit == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK){
		nbt.setInteger(NBT_COORD_X, mop.blockX);
		nbt.setInteger(NBT_COORD_Y, mop.blockY);
		nbt.setInteger(NBT_COORD_Z, mop.blockZ);
		player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Saved coordinates: " + mop.blockX + ", " + mop.blockY+  ", " + mop.blockZ));

	return stack;

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, List info, boolean flag){
	NBTTagCompound nbt = stack.getTagCompound();
	if(nbt == null) nbt = stack.stackTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();

	info.add("Saved Coordinates: " + nbt.getInteger(NBT_COORD_X) + ", " + nbt.getInteger(NBT_COORD_Y) + ", " + nbt.getInteger(NBT_COORD_Z));



Relevant method from event handler class:


@EventHandler @SubscribeEvent()
   public void onEntityInteract(EntityInteractEvent evt){
//this works perfectly for all vanilla entities but not EntityArtillery
   evt.entityPlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(evt.target.getClass().getName()));
//this does not work at all
   if(evt.target.getClass() == EntityArtillery.class){
	   ItemStack stack = evt.entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem();
	   if(stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemBinoculars){
		   NBTTagCompound nbt = stack.getTagCompound();
			   evt.entityPlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(
					   "Set target to: " + nbt.getInteger(NBT_COORD_X) + ", " + nbt.getInteger(NBT_COORD_Y) + ", " + nbt.getInteger(NBT_COORD_Z)


  • 2 weeks later...

In case anyone else finds this thread and has a similar problem, I've found the solution. There is a method in Entity called canBeCollidedWith(), which is set by default to return false. The name is somewhat misleading, however, as it actually determines whether or not the entity will respond to interactions such as right-clicking. Overriding it to return true (see below) causes the entity to work properly.


public boolean canBeCollidedWith(){
    return true;

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