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Moving the player forward naturally [1.7.10]


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What is a way to move the clients character forward naturally? A way to get the players character to move forward as if the W key was pushed down for say 3 seconds, I am working on this puzzle idea and it's supposed to be able to be used on any server (It's for boredom and just a learning project of mine) -- and I have been trying to solve how to make the character naturally work forward from the mod but I can't seem to get it!


I want a sort of puzzle AI which moves the character in a predetermined fashion that the user then the user has to try to follow it, but how do I path the player like that? As in getting the clients character to move different directions, thank you very much for your help it's heavily appreciated!

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It's a bit dated (1.6.4) but most of it is still the same (apart from the packet names) and it should show you where to look in vanilla.




Hey thank you it helped set me on the right track, except I now appear to be at a standstill, I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but most people seem to be able to walk the character forwards like this: "Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.keyBindForward.pressed = true;" and just kinda tell it that its true, but my forge setup doesn't seem to find .pressed to even exist! it says this "The field KeyBinding.pressed is not visible" I feel like this is something elementary I am missing but I am not quite sure what..


Also thank you sincerely for the help and awesome blog writeup!

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No worries you're welcome :)


The vanilla Keybinding.ispressed is private by default.  If you want to make it public, you can use an access transformer.



Actually I had to do exactly the same thing for a mod I'm working on; my speedytoolsmod_at.cfg contains just this single line

public net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding * # All fields


After modifying your gradle.build you'll need to run

gradlew clean setupDecompWorkspace eclipse --refresh-dependencies.


After that the fields should be public.


You can also use Reflection.  It might be easier (or might not) - I've never used it.  The access transformer worked fine for me.




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