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How would I call a function (drawTexturedModalRect) that belongs in drawGuiBackgroundLayer but can't be in there since the variables constantly change? If you can't imagine what i'm talking about, think of it as how a minimap constantly changes but gets it's variables from the landscape. I get my variables from a piece of code that positions pixels (which I have already found a workaround for).





Moving tile entities? Well that sounds interesting.


Anyway, are you trying to inject that method into an existing GUI class or did you create your own one? I don't exactly understand where your problem is...

Is it maybe that you're trying to call drawTexturedModalRect from outside a Thread with an OpenGL context? That would cause problems indeed.


Well, the only solution to that would be to call the method from within such a thread. However there can only be one such thread, multiple threads associated with the same context would violate OpenGL rules... as would multiple contexts bound to the same render target.


I still can't exactly imagine what you mean with "variables constantly change" since ultimately that's the nature of variables... Otherwise they'd be constants. Please clarify yourself.


Here's the relevant code of my tile entity:

    int w = 142;
    int h = 68;
int radius = 500;
int scale = 25;

public int translateX(int oldX) {
	int x = xCoord - oldX;

	x = x / (radius / scale);

	x = x + (w / 2);

	x = MathHelper.floor(x);

	return x;

public int translateZ(int oldZ) {
	int x = yCoord - oldZ;

	x = x / (radius / scale);

	x = x + (w / 2);

	x = MathHelper.floor(x);

	return x;
public void drawContact(int x, int y, int z, String name, int color) {
	int newX = translateX(x);
	int newZ = translateZ(z);

	int contactX = 176;
	int contactZ = 80;

	this.drawTexturedModalRect(newX, newZ, contactX, contactZ, 1 + color, 1);
	//paintutils.drawPixel(newX, newZ, color);
	write(name, newX - 3, newZ + 1, 4210752);
	//textOut(newX - 3, newZ + 1, "[" + name + "]", colors.white, colors.black);
public int scanAndDraw() {
	if (getCurrentEnergyValue() < radius * radius) {
		int hh = MathHelper.floor(h / 2);
		int hw = MathHelper.floor(w / 2);
		drawLine(hw - 5, hh - 1, hw + 5, hh - 1, 9843760);
		drawLine(hw - 5, hh, hw + 5, hh, 9843760);
		write("Insufficient Energy", hw-4/*TEST - DEBUG*/, hh/*TEST - DEBUG*/, 14540253);//(hw - 4, hh, "LOW POWER", 14540253, 9843760);
		drawLine(hw - 5, hh + 1, hw + 5, hh + 1, 9843760);
		return 0;
	} else {

		int numResults = getResultCount();

		if ((numResults < 1) || (numResults > -1)) {
			for (int i = 0; i < numResults-1; i++) {
				//freq, cx, cy, cz = radar.getResult(i);
				String freq = getResultFrequency(i);
				int cx = Integer.parseInt(getResultX(i));
				int cy = Integer.parseInt(getResultY(i));
				int cz = Integer.parseInt(getResultZ(i));

				drawContact(cx, cy, cz, freq, 0);


	drawContact(xCoord/* radarX*/, yCoord/*radarY*/, zCoord/*radarZ*/, "RAD", 1);


public void drawPixelRed(int x, int y) {
	//this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 176, 80, 1, 1);
	this.isDrawingRed = true;

public void drawPixelYellow(int x, int y) {
	//this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 177, 80, 1, 1);
	this.isDrawingYellow = true;

public void drawPixelForeground(int x, int y) {
	//this.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 2, 1, 1, 1);
	this.isDrawingForeground = true;

public void drawLine(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int nColour) {
	//later additions
	int minY;
	int maxX;
	int maxY;

	int startX2 = MathHelper.floor(startX);
	int startY2 = MathHelper.floor(startY);
	int endX2 = MathHelper.floor(endX);
	int endY2 = MathHelper.floor(endY);

	if(startX2 == endX2 && startY2 == endY2) {
		drawPixelForeground(startX2, startY2);

	int minX = startX2 - endX2;

	if(minX == startX2) {
		minY = startY2;
		maxY = endY2;
		maxX = endX2;
	} else {
		minY = endY2;
		maxY = startY2;
		maxX = startX2;

	int xDiff = maxX - minX;
	int yDiff = maxY - minY;

	if(xDiff > yDiff) {
		int y = minY;
		int dy = yDiff / xDiff;

		for(int x = minX; x < maxX; x++) {
			drawPixelForeground(x, MathHelper.floor(y + 0.5));

			int y2 = y + dy;
	int x = minX;
	int dx = xDiff / yDiff;

	if(maxY >= minY) {
		for(int y = minX; y < maxY; y++) {
			drawPixelForeground(MathHelper.floor(x + 0.5), y);

			int x2 = x + dx;

		for(int y = minY; y > maxY; y--) {
			drawPixelForeground(MathHelper.floor(x + 0.5), y);

			int x2 = x + dx;	
public void redraw() {
	drawLine(1, 1, w, 1, 1644054);
	//textOut(h, 1, "= W-Radar v0.1 =", 14540253, 1644054);
	//textOut(w - 3/*cursor x*/, 1/*cursor y*/, "[X]"/*text*/, 14540253/*text colour*/, 9843760);
    	write("[X]", /*TEST FOR DEBUG*/w-3, /*TEST FOR DEBUG*/1, 14540253);

	drawLine(1, h, w, h, 1644054);

(it still has snippets from lua)


So I want to know how to get the write()s and the drawTexturedModalRect()s in drawGuiForegroundLayer and BackgroundLayer respectively.

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