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[1.7.10] [solved]customizing damage


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hello guys,

I have tried for hours to edit the attack damage a player causes, but it didn't work.

I have tried the LivingHurtEvent and editing event.ammount, but this made the damage infinite.

I have tried player.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.attackDamage).setBaseValue();, but this only edits the base value, there is almost no difference if I striked with a sword.


Does somebody know a better way to do this?

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Here is the code:

I have used system.out.println for better understanding.

 package knokko.rpg.events.living;

import knokko.rpg.RPG;
import knokko.rpg.data.WorldData;
import knokko.rpg.entity.effect.EntityBlood;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation;
import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.living.LivingHurtEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;

public class HurtEvent {
public void hurtEvent(LivingHurtEvent event){
	if(event.entityLiving != null){
		if(event.source == DamageSource.fall){
		if(event.source.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer){
			EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.source.getEntity();
			System.out.println("getPlayerStrengt = " + RPG.getPlayerStrengt(player));
			System.out.println("event.amount before multitplying = " + event.ammount);
			event.ammount *= RPG.getPlayerStrengt(player);
			System.out.println("event.amount after multiplying = " + event.ammount);
		if(!event.isCanceled()) {
		float armor = (float) (event.entityLiving.getTotalArmorValue() * 0.04);
		float armor2 = 1 - armor;
		int damage = (int) (event.ammount * armor2);
		if(event.entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer && event.source.getEntity() instanceof EntityLiving){
			if(!((EntityLiving) event.source.getEntity()).getCustomNameTag().isEmpty()){
				EntityPlayer hurtPlayer = (EntityPlayer) event.entityLiving;
				hurtPlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "You are hurt for " + damage + " damage by " + ((EntityLiving) event.source.getEntity()).getCustomNameTag()));
		else if(event.entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer && !(event.source.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer) ){
			EntityPlayer hurtPlayer = (EntityPlayer) event.entityLiving;
			hurtPlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "You are hurt for " + damage + " damage by " + event.source.damageType));
		if(event.source.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer){
			EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.source.getEntity();
			WorldData.addXP(player, damage);
			WorldData.addRaceXp(player, damage % 3);
		if(event.entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer && event.source.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer){
			EntityPlayer hurtPlayer = (EntityPlayer) event.entityLiving;
			hurtPlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "You are hurt for " + damage + " damage by " + ((EntityPlayer) event.source.getEntity()).getDisplayName()));
			EntityPlayer attacker = (EntityPlayer)event.source.getEntity();
			attacker.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "You have hit " + hurtPlayer.getDisplayName() + " for " + damage + " damage."));
		else if(event.source.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer && ((EntityLiving) event.entityLiving).getCustomNameTag().isEmpty()){
			EntityPlayer attacker = (EntityPlayer) event.source.getEntity();
			attacker.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "You have hit a mob for " + damage + " damage."));
		else if(event.source.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer){
			EntityPlayer attacker = (EntityPlayer) event.source.getEntity();
			attacker.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "You have hit " + ((EntityLiving) event.entityLiving).getCustomNameTag() + " for " + damage + " damage."));
		if(event.entityLiving instanceof EntityCreature || event.entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer){
		if(damage >= 1){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ, 1));
		if(damage >= 2){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX, event.entityLiving.posY + 1, event.entityLiving.posZ, 1));
		if(damage >= 3){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX + 1, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ, 1));
		if(damage >= 4){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX - 1, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ, 1));
		if(damage >= 5){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ + 1, 1));
		if(damage >= 6){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ - 1, 1));
		if(damage >= 7){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ, 1));
		if(damage >= {
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX, event.entityLiving.posY + 0.5, event.entityLiving.posZ, 1));
		if(damage >= 9){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX + 0.5, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ, 1));
		if(damage >= 10){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX - 0.5, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ, 1));
		if(damage >= 11){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ + 0.5, 1));
		if(damage >= 12){
			event.entityLiving.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBlood(event.entityLiving.worldObj, event.entityLiving.posX, event.entityLiving.posY, event.entityLiving.posZ - 0.5, 1));


Here is the important part of the console:


getPlayerStrengt = 1.4107303442451825E15

event.amount before multitplying = 1.5

event.amount after multiplying = 2.11609549E15



I can't really help that the file is not very easy...

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I don't understand what you mean, 1.4107303442451825E15 is a number between 1 and 2, isn't it?

But I don't know why there is an "E" in the double.


RPG.getPlayerStrengt returns that number because I have programmed it that way.

It is bound with several classes and playerdata that is added in livinghurtevent.

Is it so strange it returns a number between 1 and 2?

And do you mean with "1x10^15" 1000000000000000? That would say something.


Here is RPG.java if you need it:

 package knokko.rpg;

import knokko.rpg.data.WorldData;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;

public class RPG {
public static boolean isKnownClass(String string){
		return true;
	else if(string.matches("mage")){
		return true;
	else {
		return false;
public static boolean isKnownRace(String string){
		return true;
	else if(string.matches("orc")){
		return true;
	else if(string.matches("enderman")){
		return true;
	else {
		return false;
private static double getClassStrengt(String Class){
		return 1.25;
	else if(Class.matches("mage")){
		return 0.5;
	else {
		return 1;
private static double getClassStrengt(EntityPlayer player){
	return getClassStrengt(WorldData.getClass(player));
private static double getRaceStrengt(String race){
		return 1;
	else if(race.matches("orc")){
		return 3;
	else if(race.matches("enderman")){
		return 2;
	else {
		return 1;
private static double getRaceHealth(String race){
		return 1;
	else if(race.matches("orc")){
		return 2.5;
	else if(race.matches("enderman")){
		return 2;
	else {
		return 1;
private static double getRaceHealth(EntityPlayer player){
	return getRaceHealth(WorldData.getRace(player));
public static double getPlayerHealth(EntityPlayer player){
	double xp = WorldData.getRaceXP(player);
	double raceHealth = getRaceHealth(player);
	return raceHealth * (1 + (xp * 0.0001));
private static double getRaceStrengt(EntityPlayer player){
	return getRaceStrengt(WorldData.getRace(player));
public static double getPlayerStrengt(EntityPlayer player){
	double raceStrengt = getRaceStrengt(player);
	double classStrengt = getClassStrengt(player);
	double xp = WorldData.getXP(player);
	double racexp = WorldData.getXP(player);
	return raceStrengt * (1 + (xp * 0.0001 * racexp)) * classStrengt;
private static double getRaceMana(String race){
		return 1;
	else if(race.matches("enderman")){
		return 1.25;
	else if(race.matches("orc")){
		return 0.25;
	else {
		return 1;
private static double getClassMana(String Class){
		return 0.75;
	else if(Class.matches("mage")){
		return 2;
	else {
		return 1;
private static double getClassMana(EntityPlayer player){
	return getClassMana(WorldData.getClass(player));
private static double getRaceMana(EntityPlayer player){
	return getRaceMana(WorldData.getRace(player));
public static double getPlayerMana(EntityPlayer player){
	double raceMana = getRaceMana(player);
	double classMana = getClassMana(player);
	double xp = WorldData.getXP(player);
	double racexp = WorldData.getRaceXP(player);
	return raceMana * (1 + (racexp * xp * 0.0001)) * classMana;


Here is WorldData.java, but it is more playerdata at the moment :D

 package knokko.rpg.data;

import knokko.rpg.main.s;
import net.minecraft.command.PlayerSelector;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.WorldSavedData;

public class WorldData extends WorldSavedData{
public static final String id = s.i;
public static final String xp = "experience";
public static final String clas = "class";
public static final String mana = "mana";
public static final String maxmana = "maxmana";
public static final String race = "race";
public static final String racexp = "race xp";

public EntityLivingBase test;
public NBTTagCompound players;

public WorldData(String id) {
public WorldData(){

public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
	players = (NBTTagCompound) nbt.getTag("players");

public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
	nbt.setTag("players", players);
public static WorldData get(World world){
	WorldData data = (WorldData) world.loadItemData(WorldData.class, id);
	if(data == null){
		data = new WorldData();
		world.setItemData(id, data);
	return data;
public static int getXP(EntityPlayer player){
	if(player == null){
		return -1;
	else {
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data != null){
			if(data.players == null){
				data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		return data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + xp + getClass(player));
public static void addXP(EntityPlayer player, int amount){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data != null){
			if(data.players == null){
				data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		data.players.setInteger(player.getUniqueID() + xp + getClass(player), data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + xp + getClass(player)) + amount);
public static void setXP(EntityPlayer player, int amount){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data != null){
			if(data.players == null){
				data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		data.players.setInteger(player.getUniqueID() + xp + getClass(player), amount);
public static String getClass(EntityPlayer player){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		return data.players.getString(player.getUniqueID() + clas);
	else {
		return null;
public static void setClass(String clas, EntityPlayer player){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		data.players.setString(player.getUniqueID() + data.clas, clas);
public static int getMana(EntityPlayer player){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		return data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + mana + getClass(player));
	else {
		return -10;
public static void setMana(EntityPlayer player, int amount){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		data.players.setInteger(player.getUniqueID() + mana + getClass(player), amount);
public static void addMana(EntityPlayer player, int amount){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		if(data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + mana + getClass(player) + amount) > data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + maxmana + getClass(player))){
			data.players.setInteger(player.getUniqueID() + mana + getClass(player), data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + maxmana + getClass(player)));
		else {
			data.players.setInteger(player.getUniqueID() + mana + getClass(player), data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + mana + getClass(player)) + amount);
public static int getMaxMana(EntityPlayer player){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		return data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + maxmana + getClass(player));
		return -10;
public static void setMaxMana(EntityPlayer player, int amount){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		data.players.setInteger(player.getUniqueID() + maxmana + getClass(player), amount);
public static void setRace(EntityPlayer player, String race){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		data.players.setString(player.getUniqueID() + data.race, race);
public static String getRace(EntityPlayer player){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		return data.players.getString(player.getUniqueID() + race);
	else {
		return null;
public static void addRaceXp(EntityPlayer player, int amount){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		data.players.setInteger(player.getUniqueID() + racexp + getRace(player), data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + racexp + getRace(player)) + amount);
public static void setRaceXP(EntityPlayer player, int amount){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		data.players.setInteger(player.getUniqueID() + racexp + getRace(player), amount);
public static int getRaceXP(EntityPlayer player){
	if(player != null){
		WorldData data = get(player.worldObj);
		if(data.players == null){
			data.players = new NBTTagCompound();
		return data.players.getInteger(player.getUniqueID() + racexp + getRace(player));
	else {
		return -10;


Giving the stats is done in the HurtEvent you could allready see.

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