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Hello modders!!


I was messing around with ISpecialArmor. Armor properties accept 3 parameters: priority, ratio and max.


priority is self explanatory.

ratio is also quite easy (it a double). In the code it seems that all 4 pieces share the same ratio, meaning that 0.25 ratio on each piece grants a 100% absorption of damage when all 4 pieces are equipped.

max is an int, and seems to be, again in the code, the maximum amount of damage that can be absorbed by the piece.



Let's say a Slime (giant) attacks me and deals 2 hearts:

- is that 4 damage points?

- if all 4 pieces absorb 0.25, do they take 1 point (0.5 hearts) each?


i've been trying to work with an armor but it does not seem to be absorbing anything.


here is the relevant code (skills[2] takes a value of 1 in this case).





public ArmorProperties getProperties(EntityLivingBase player,

ItemStack armor, DamageSource source, double damage, int slot) {


ArmorProperties properties = new ArmorProperties(0, 0, 0);


NBTTagCompound compound = armor.getTagCompound();


if (compound != null) {

int[] skills = compound.getIntArray("skills");

int Shield = compound.getInteger("Shield");


if (armor.getItem() == AncientCraft.CorruptChestplate) {


if (Shield > 0) {

properties = new ArmorProperties(0, 1, 200);

if (damage > 0) {



} else {

properties = new ArmorProperties(0, 0.25, skills[2]);



} else {

properties = new ArmorProperties(0, 0.25, skills[2]);



compound.setInteger("Shield", Shield);



return properties;








Yet i don't know how this may be happening, but when i write those ArmorProperties (0,1,200) it works. But i want to recieve some damage instead of bein immortal.


After walking through the interface, it looks like each piece is assigned an absorption ratio less than one, and if the sum of the pieces adds up to one, then all damage is absorbed. To make sure that some damage leaks through, assign absorption ratios that add to less than one (e.g. 0.2 for each of four standard pieces, adding to 80% absorption with 20% reaching the wearer).


You probably don't want your armor to ever add up to more than one, because then the pieces would take excess damage on themselves, reducing entity damage to a negative number, and that neg would be rectified to zero in the calling method (but the excess damage to the armor would remain).


I suggest that you lower your shield's absorption ratio significantly.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.


After walking through the interface, it looks like each piece is assigned an absorption ratio less than one, and if the sum of the pieces adds up to one, then all damage is absorbed. To make sure that some damage leaks through, assign absorption ratios that add to less than one (e.g. 0.2 for each of four standard pieces, adding to 80% absorption with 20% reaching the wearer).


You probably don't want your armor to ever add up to more than one, because then the pieces would take excess damage on themselves, reducing entity damage to a negative number, and that neg would be rectified to zero in the calling method (but the excess damage to the armor would remain).


I suggest that you lower your shield's absorption ratio significantly.


Thanks for answering.


You may have noticed also that the interface provides a method called "damageArmor" that says how to damage the armor instead of vanilla way. That resolves the excess damage you are talking about. Explanation: Shield absorbs ALL damage once every once in a while. Damage armor damages the itemStack only 1 point.


Code here



public void damageArmor(EntityLivingBase entity, ItemStack stack,
		DamageSource source, int damage, int slot) {
	if (stack != null) {

		NBTTagCompound compound = stack.getTagCompound();

		if (compound != null) {

			int durability = compound.getInteger("structure");

			if (durability > 0) {
			} else {
				stack.damageItem(1, entity);

			compound.setInteger("structure", durability);




The problem is when i place a 0.2 or 0.25, no damage is absorbed and thus, it is dealt to the player, even with the 4 pieces on him (getting attacked by a giant slime).


i'm trying to see why this happens right now xD.




when i set every armorProperties(0, 0.25, 10) it seems to absorb 1 heart (giant slime dealing 1 Heart, zombie dealing half a heart). And sometimes they deal half a heart more.



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