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I am creating an item that has to "control" zombies.

I am trying methods of EntityZombie for setting attack targets, but none of them seems to work.

Now the strange thing is:

The item works great on zombie pigmans, but zombies to not react at all.

here is the important part of the code:

Line line = Line.fromRaytrace(player, 100).toNearestBlock(world, false, 1);
				EntityLivingBase entity = (EntityLivingBase) line.getNearestEntity(world, EntityLivingBase.class, line.getPosition(1), player);
				System.out.println("entity = " + entity);
				if(entity != null){
					double distance = Math.min(spirit * 5, 40);
					List zombies = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityZombie.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(player.posX - distance, player.posY - distance,  player.posZ - distance, player.posX + distance, player.posY + distance, player.posZ + distance));
					System.out.println("zombies = " + zombies);
					int times = 0;
					while(times < zombies.size()){
						EntityZombie zombie = (EntityZombie) zombies.get(times);
						if(zombie != entity){
							System.out.println("target is set.");


Does anybody know a way to set the target of a zombie?

And does anybody know why it works on zombie pigmans, but not on normal zombies?


I have edited the code to work on any undead mobs, but now the Zombie is the only entity I can't control.

Here is my new code:

		Line line = Line.fromRaytrace(player, 100).toNearestBlock(world, false, 1);
				EntityLivingBase entity = (EntityLivingBase) line.getNearestEntity(world, EntityLivingBase.class, line.getPosition(1), player);
				System.out.println("entity = " + entity);
				if(entity != null){
					double distance = Math.min(spirit * 5, 40);
					distance = 50;
					List entities = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityLivingBase.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(player.posX - distance, player.posY - distance,  player.posZ - distance, player.posX + distance, player.posY + distance, player.posZ + distance));
					System.out.println("entities = " + entities);
					int times = 0;
					while(times < entities.size()){
						EntityLivingBase living = (EntityLivingBase) entities.get(times);
						if(living != entity && living.getCreatureAttribute() == EnumCreatureAttribute.UNDEAD){
							if(living instanceof EntityCreature){
								((EntityCreature) living).setTarget(entity);
							System.out.println("target is set.");

I can even control withers, but no zombies.


I can't control wither skeletons too.

Why is target control different for every mob?

Has anybody ever controlled zombies?

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