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[1.7.10] generating custom stone instead of minecraft's stone

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Hi guys,


I'm making a mod which adds a new dimension. I want to spawn biomes using custom blocks.

The point is that I don't know how to generate custom stone instead of minecraft's stone.

I have been looking in the ChunkProvider and tried some things but that doesn't work.


Are we talking per dimension effect (your new dimension) or overall?


In any case (with some changes) I'd use:


public void populateChunk(PopulateChunkEvent.Pre event)
Chunk chunk = event.world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(event.chunkX, event.chunkZ);
	for (ExtendedBlockStorage storage : chunk.getBlockStorageArray())
//then you scan 16x16x16 areas make if block is stone then change it to my block


This is NOT very optimal, but since population happens only once... well, screw that.

You could go with ASM for better performance, but that would get you shitty, unclear code.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.


I would like to change every vanilla block to my own block, only for my dimension


I've been trying to change some stuff in the func_147424_a method but nothing changed


found the solution, I changed createChunkProvider to createChunkGenerator.

stupid mistake here but I have another problem now.

not only all the stone is changed to my custom stone, the biome blocks (filler and top blocks generated by a biome) is also my custom stone.


now that normal stone is changed to my custom stone it doesn't generate caves and such.

I know it's because of my custom block because it removes biomes top and filler blocks but it can't remove my custom stone.

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    • So, I did that. That partialy worked, but the second part of the problem was that several mods versions were not compatible( So for now I used older version and it works. Thanks!  
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