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Hello! In this thread, I´m just going to describe a little bit about our server and explain why it is so different from others. To start off, this is a Factions server. The Factions gamemode consists that you must learn how to team up with friends and create your very own group or "Faction" and as a team, you attempt to raid and take down other factions on your quest to becoming the strongest and richest players on the server. Now, I would like to inform you about the different factors this server give you. Our spawn, it is a detailed yet simple spawn to navigate around, with all the necessary things you might need to develop as a player. What we have in our spawn (Sexy screenshots included)


I. The spawn itself

- http://prntscr.com/56yfio

- http://prntscr.com/56yg8m

- http://prntscr.com/56ygmp


II. Trading Rooms

- http://prntscr.com/56yh7y


III. Enchanting Table (30 Levels YAY!)

- http://prntscr.com/56yiha


IV. AFK Jumper

- http://prntscr.com/56yj6i


V. Shop

- http://prntscr.com/56ymli


Now, hopefully, you are wondering why the hell I saved the Shop for the last screenshot, when it is the most vital, important part of Factions. For starters, we are strong believers that having a fair equal economy is key to lead to a server were people aren´t fifty times overpowered than other players. Well, you have come to the correct server if you are looking for a stable economy. For those who like grinding and making the server lag out, we apologize, but spawners are not achievable at shop, due to the fact that there are several servers that do have spawners in shop and SilkTouchSpawners and it completley messes up the economy. The PvPDistrict economy, is a farm/mining based economy, were, if you wish to seek for a grinder and maybe grind some levels or bones/rotten flesh you can. We´ve made it exploit free, meaning, that it is nearlly impossible to find an exploit. The player who finds an exploit will get free gold rank. For the picture i´ve shown you, that is only one third of the shop, it extends deeper down and further back behind.



Donations; This is a deliquate yet exciting topic to talk about. Yes, we do have donor ranks, packages, kits and items. All specified on the donation store which there is a link at the bottom of the page. The donor ranks have some epic commands and over powered kits, which might unfortunatley give unfair advantages to other players who simply do not have the capability or resources to financially support the server. In all due honesty, the donor perks is a way to motivate you in keeping the gears of PvP District turning, as in paying for the server to be online is NOT free. However, not to worry, we have monthly contests in which you have the ability of getting ranks and perks for FREE. You might be wondering, how? Well, it´s quite simple; voting. Basically, what voting does is bumping up the server´s rankings in different websites (MC-Index, Minecraft Servers, PMC etc.). The server benefits with this because it simply gets more players to join the server. So, for example, August´s voting contest could be the top 5 voters get 25$ dollar gift cards. Or, if you vote 100 times, you get Bedrock Rank (topest rank) and so on. You can be aware about the contests at the server forums, the place were I will post latest news about the server!



This is basically it, the review of the server. I beg you, the instant you join PLEASE do not ask for Staff/any other rank. I guarantee you will not get it just by asking here, or in any other server. We do NOT need builders, all the builds are made by myself or my in real life friends. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your stay on the server! Have a good one!



Important IP´S and URL´S


Server IP: PvPDistrict.Net


Server Forums: http://pvpdistrict.enjin.com/home#


Donation Store: http://pvp-district.buycraft.net/

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