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Files.minecraftforge.net took too long to respond


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So I was installing mods for my minecraft, but when I booted it up, it said that it was unable to download CodeChickenLib. So I decided to get it manually, on the link it gave me. But when I went to the link, my Chrome just said

Google Chrome could not load the webpage because files.minecraftforge.net took too long to respond. The website may be down, or you may be experiencing issues with your Internet connection.
I decided to do a trace, because one of the topics I saw had a guy say to do a trace, so i did one.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]

© 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


C:\Windows\system32>tracert files.minecraftforge.net


Tracing route to files.minecraftforge.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


  1    1 ms    2 ms    5 ms  Wut []

  2    *        *        *    Request timed out.

  3    16 ms    28 ms    17 ms

  4    15 ms    21 ms    14 ms

  5    23 ms    17 ms    39 ms  ge4-5.core1.yvr1.he.net []

  6    39 ms    29 ms    27 ms  10ge12-3.core1.sea1.he.net []

  7    18 ms    *      18 ms  six.sea.wa.us.ovh.net []

  8    *        *        *    Request timed out.

  9    *        *        *    Request timed out.

10    *        *        *    Request timed out.

11    *        *        *    Request timed out.

12    *        *        *    Request timed out.

13    *        *        *    Request timed out.

14    *        *        *    Request timed out.

15    *        *        *    Request timed out.

16    *        *        *    Request timed out.

17    *        *        *    Request timed out.

18    *        *        *    Request timed out.

19    *        *        *    Request timed out.

20    *        *        *    Request timed out.

21    *        *        *    Request timed out.

22    *        *        *    Request timed out.

23    *        *        *    Request timed out.

24    *        *        *    Request timed out.

25    *        *        *    Request timed out.

26    *        *        *    Request timed out.

27    *        *        *    Request timed out.

28    *        *        *    Request timed out.

29    *        *        *    Request timed out.

30    *        *        *    Request timed out.


Trace complete.




An alternate download link or any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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